Examples of Order Value in a sentence
The calculation of all Restaurant Charges shall therefore be based on the Gross Order Value of the faultless Order.
The Security Deposit together with EMD / Initial Security Deposit (ISD) shall be 10% of the contract / Works order value.In case of AMC / ARC, ISD shall be 2.5% of the Contract Work Order Value which is required to be deposited within 10 days of the issue of the Work Order or LOI whichever is earlier, by the successful tenderer.
In case party does not deposit ISD within 10 days, the same shall be recovered from party‟s 1st month‟s bill alongwith an interest equivalent to SBI – PLR plus 2% for the complete month.The balance amount shall be recovered @ 7.5% from each running bill and the final bill so as to make the total security deposit at 10% of the Contract / Work Order Value.
The balance security deposit amount shall be recovered @ 7.5% from each running bill and the final bill so as to make the total security deposit at 10% of the Contract / Work Order Value.
Initial Security Deposit (ISD) shall be 2.5% of the Contract Work Order Value which is required to be deposited within 15 days of the issue of the Letter of Intent (LOI) /Work Order (WO) by the successful tenderer.