Examples of Oregon share in a sentence
Oregon share forecast and actual generation based on SG allocation factors.
The Sisters’ mission statement is: We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, share in the mission of Jesus by proclaiming the good news of God’s Love.
The change in risk borne by parties by fixing the Oregon share of generating resource.
Program staff involved in the development of Clean Energy Works Oregon share this organization’s view, and stress the importance of collaborating with contractors and with training centers to align a pipeline of qualified candidates with contractor needs.
Except as provided for in OAR 860-038-0080(6), each Oregon retail electricity consumer of an electric company will receive a transition credit or pay a transition charge equal to 100 percent of the net value of the Oregon share of all economic utility investments and all uneconomic utility investments of the electric company as determined pursuant to an auction, an administrative valuation, or an ongoing valuation.
Major capital improvements to existing generating resources will continue to be, and new generating resources will be, subject to least cost planning processes and analyses and the Oregon share of their prudently-incurred costs will be included in an electric company's Oregon revenue requirement, which for a multi-state electric company shall be consistent with Commission decisions pursuant to subsection (3)(a)(G) of this rule.
Unless otherwise provided in the Resource Plan, the electric company shall not begin its auction process until the Commission issues a final order valuing all of the electric company’s Oregon share of generating resources pursuant to a process to be established by rule.
All benefits paid from the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund attributable to employers subject to the tax, including but not limited to the Oregon share of extended benefits and any special state additional benefits, shall be included in the amount of benefits under this subsection.
High-risk areas in Oregon share a hot, dry season in late summer and early fall when high temperatures and low humidity favor fire activity.
The purpose of Schedule 186 is to credit 9 eligible customers with the Oregon share of net margins received by NW Natural for the 10 optimization of core customer pipeline capacity, which includes all off-system pipeline 11 capacity, commodity, liquids extraction, and storage capacity.