OS Capacity definition
Examples of OS Capacity in a sentence
The Facebook User Amici will be directly affected by the Court’s ruling in this case: the defendant has relied upon the decision of the Appellate Court in this case both as a defense to liability and to class certification.
The receiv- ing Shipper must meet all formal and other requirements under this OS Capacity Agreement.
IUK shall for a Gas Year calculate and keep an account of the revenue received from the allocation to Shippers of Offered Capacity made available from OS Capacity on a cumulative basis over such Gas Year, less Buy-back Payments for such Gas Year (“Net OS Revenue Account”).
IUK determine and announce if, and how much, OS Capacity is to be made available on a day-ahead basis.
IUK will keep track of an account (“Net OS Revenue Account”) which will be equal to the revenue from OS Capacity sales, on a cumulative basis over the Gas Year, minus any payments made for Buy-back during that time.
Interconnector will keep track of an account (“Net OS Revenue Account”) which will be equal to the revenue from OS Capacity sales, on a cumulative basis over the Gas Year, minus any payments made for Buy-back during that time.
IUK shall for a Gas Year calculate and keep an account of the revenue received from the allocation to IAA Shippers of Offered Capacity made available from OS Capacity on a cumulative basis over such Gas Year, less Buy-back Payments for such Gas Year (“Net OS Revenue Account”).
The capacity offered by IUK will include any Over-subscription Capacity (OS Capacity) made available, plus any capacity that has been surrendered by an ISTA Shipper or released through the Long Term Use It Or Lose It (LT UIOLI) mechanism that applies to the ISTA.
The Securities Commission is the sole regulatory authority of the Malaysian Capital Market and the SCA empowers the SC to supervise and monitor the activities of exchanges and the SIA and FIA empowers the SC to approve the business rules of the exchanges in Malaysia.
Both NGG and IUK will independently apply their criteria to determine if OS Capacity will be made available at any time.