Other Collaboration IP definition

Other Collaboration IP means: (i) all Collaboration Information and Inventions that are [***], and (ii) Patent Rights claiming, or covering such Collaboration Information and Inventions described in clause (i).
Other Collaboration IP means Collaboration IP not specifically relating to any of the Intellectual Property definitions described in this Section 12.1 (Definitions and Ownership). Ownership of Other Collaboration IP shall follow inventorship in accordance with Section 12.2.2 (Inventorship).
Other Collaboration IP means all Know-How generated by the Parties (solely or jointly) in the course of performing a Research Plan (and all intellectual property rights therein), other than Joint Multi-Modal Model Architectures, Joint Multi-Modal Models, MMM Know-How, Recursion Platform Improvement IP, Roche Platform Improvement IP, the Roche Proprietary Genetic Variant Data and Materials, and Program IP.

Examples of Other Collaboration IP in a sentence

  • The Parties will jointly own all Other Collaboration IP, whether invented solely by Xxxxxxxxxxx, solely by Galapagos, or jointly by the Parties, subject to Article 4 (License Grants).

  • Each Party will promptly disclose to the other Party in writing, and will cause its Affiliates to so disclose, the discovery, development, invention or creation of any new Fortis Background IP or Collaboration IP, or FibroGen Other Collaboration IP necessary to Exploit any Product or any Modified Product, under this Agreement.

  • Each Party hereby assigns, and will assign, to the other Party an undivided, equal joint right, title, and interest in, to, and under all of such Party’s rights, title and interests in, to and under the Other Collaboration IP.

  • During the Term, each Party will promptly disclose to the other Party any potentially patentable Other Collaboration IP as set forth in Article 11 (Intellectual Property) that is conceived, developed, invented, reduced to practice or otherwise generated by or for the disclosing Party as a result of the performance of such Party’s Collaboration Activities.

  • Each Party shall be entitled to use and grant licenses to Third Parties under such Other Collaboration IP without any duty of accounting, recourse, or payment to the other Party, subject to Article 4 (License Grants).

  • To the extent Applicable Law requires either Party to consent to the other Party’s use or licensing of the Other Collaboration IP, such Party will, and hereby does, grant such consent.

More Definitions of Other Collaboration IP

Other Collaboration IP means Other Collaboration Know-How and Other Collaboration Patents.
Other Collaboration IP means any Collaboration IP other than the Adaptimmune Platform Improvement IP and the Galapagos Platform Improvement IP.

Related to Other Collaboration IP

  • Collaboration IP means Collaboration Know-How and Collaboration Patents.

  • Collaboration Know-How means all Know-How conceived, discovered, developed or otherwise made by or on behalf of a particular Party or any of its Affiliates or permitted subcontractors of any of the foregoing (solely or jointly by or on behalf of a particular Party or any of its Affiliates or permitted subcontractors of any of the foregoing) in the course of [***].

  • Collaboration Patents means any and all Patents that claim or cover any of the Collaboration Know-How.

  • Joint Technology means Joint Inventions and Joint Patents.

  • Joint Patent Rights means all Patent Rights claiming a Joint Invention.

  • Joint IP means Joint Know-How and Joint Patent Rights.

  • Background Technology means all Software, data, know-how, ideas, methodologies, specifications, and other technology in which Contractor owns such Intellectual Property Rights as are necessary for Contractor to grant the rights and licenses set forth in Section 14.1, and for the State (including its licensees, successors and assigns) to exercise such rights and licenses, without violating any right of any Third Party or any Law or incurring any payment obligation to any Third Party. Background Technology must: (a) be identified as Background Technology in the Statement of Work; and (b) have been developed or otherwise acquired by Contractor prior to the date of the Statement of Work, or have been developed by Contractor outside of its performance under the Statement of Work. Background Technology will also include any general consulting tool or methodology created by Contractor, which will not be required to be identified in the Statement of Work.

  • Joint Inventions has the meaning set forth in Section 9.1.

  • Patent Rights means the rights and interests in and to issued patents and pending patent applications (which, for purposes of this Agreement, include certificates of invention, applications for certificates of invention and priority rights) in any country or region, including all provisional applications, substitutions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, renewals, all letters patent granted thereon, and all reissues, re-examinations and extensions thereof, and all foreign counterparts of any of the foregoing.

  • Licensed Patent Rights means:

  • Patent Right means: (a) an issued or granted patent, including any extension, supplemental protection certificate, registration, confirmation, reissue, reexamination, extension or renewal thereof; (b) a pending patent application, including any continuation, divisional, continuation-in-part, substitute or provisional application thereof; and (c) all counterparts or foreign equivalents of any of the foregoing issued by or filed in any country or other jurisdiction.

  • Licensed Technology means the Licensed Know-How and Licensed Patents.

  • Joint Patents means all Patents claiming Joint Inventions.

  • Joint Invention has the meaning set forth in Section 9.1.