Overnight Guests definition

Overnight Guests. Guests are allowed: (Check one) discussed Yes ☐ No ☐ Only if previously ▪ Noise Level / Quiet Hours: The Parties are expected to keep noise down to a reasonable level during the day. Between : AM/PM to : AM/PM, noise should be kept to a minimum. ▪ Parties / Entertaining: Each Party may have up to friends over at a time. Any more than this amount should be discussed with all the Parties at least day(s) prior. Large gatherings and parties must be agreed upon by all the Parties and planned at least day(s) prior. ▪ Smoking and Alcohol Use: The Parties are: (Check one) ☐ NOT allowed to smoke on the property ☐ Allowed to smoke in the following areas: Drinking alcohol is: (Check one) ☐ NOT allowed on the property ☐ Allowed (between : AM/PM to : AM/PM) The Parties are responsible for maintaining reasonable standards of behavior and level of noise.
Overnight Guests. Guests are allowed: (Check one) ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Only if previously discussed Noise Level / Quiet Hours: The Parties are expected to keep noise down to a reasonable level during the day. Between _____:_____ AM/PM to _____:_____ AM/PM, noise should be kept to a minimum. Parties / Entertaining: Each Party may have up to __________ friends over at a time. Any more than this amount should be discussed with all the Parties at least __________ day(s) prior. Large gatherings and parties must be agreed upon by all the Parties and planned at least __________ day(s) prior.
Overnight Guests. Guests are allowed: No  Noise Level / Quiet Hours: The Parties are expected to keep noise down to a reasonable level during the day. Between 11pm-8am, noise should be kept to a minimum.  Parties / Entertaining: No party buy tenants Room Rental Agreement (Rev. 133EF4E) 1 / 2  Smoking and Alcohol Use: No smoking on the property. Drinking alcohol is allowed between 10:00 am - 11:00 pm. The Parties are responsible for maintaining reasonable standards of behavior and level of noise.

Examples of Overnight Guests in a sentence

  • If Resident desires to have an Overnight Guest (any person staying in the Resident’s assigned bedroom space or apartment for more than three total nights in any 30-day period), then Resident must register the Overnight Guest(s) with Owner.

  • Resident may not have Overnight Guest(s) for more than three consecutive nights, nor for more than six total nights in any 30-day period.

  • In the event any unregistered or unauthorized Overnight Guest(s) are identified to be in or using an apartment or bedroom space, Owner may assess against the Resident a fee of $60 per night, in addition to the right of Owner to declare Resident in material breach of this Agreement and pursue other available remedies.

More Definitions of Overnight Guests

Overnight Guests means any non-member(s) staying overnight on any member’s site other than a site in the rental pool.
Overnight Guests. Guests are allowed:
Overnight Guests. If a roommate wants to have overnight guests, they: ⬜ must get permission from other roommates to have overnight guests ⬜ do not need to get permission from other roommates to have overnight guests ⬜ do not need to get permission from other roommates to have overnight guests but must give a heads up days beforehand or as early as possible Overnight guest restrictions or other rules (length of stay, frequency, gender, relationship status, etc.):
Overnight Guests. All overnight guests must be registered by 8 p.m. If you have guests that wish to spend the night in your RV Unit, they must tell us at the gate when coming in and register. Campground must know ahead of time if someone is staying. Guests pay for each day, not the nights stayed. Unregistered guests will be considered trespassing. Guests wishing to pitch a tent or put their RV on your site must register at the office and pay the regular overnight RV camping fee. Prior permission must be obtained to share your site. Tents are not to be used by an adult (18+) guests without registering for a separate campsite, even if they are planning to share your site.
Overnight Guests. Guests are allowed: (Check one) discussed Yes ☐ No ☐ Only if previously  Noise Level / Quiet Hours: The Parties are expected to keep noise down to a reasonable level during the day. Between : AM/PM to : AM/PM, noise should be kept to a minimum.  Parties / Entertaining: Each Party may have up to friends over at a time. Any more than this amount should be discussed with all the Parties at least day(s) prior. Large gatherings and parties must be agreed upon by all the Parties and planned at least day(s) prior.
Overnight Guests. Kalispell is an amazing place to live, and you might have a friend or family member of the same gender who wants to visit you for an overnight trip. The first thing you need to do is communicate with ALL of your roommates as far in advance as possible. Secondly, you must let the RA or Housing Director know as soon as possible and fill out the overnight guest form. Some requests will not be approved depending on the time of the year and the length of the stay. Cleaning: As a group, you will be able to set up how you want to do the chores, but they do need to be done. Cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, and vacuuming are a few of these chores. The expectation is that you will keep your living space reasonably clean and tidy at all times.
Overnight Guests. No one other than the signed lessees shall live on this property at any time. No overnight guests are allowed anytime unless the landlord is notified. Lessees shall not permit more than six (6) people to be in the residence unit at any time.