Overnight travel definition

Overnight travel means travel outside of the county that exceeds twelve hours and includes an overnight stay.
Overnight travel means travel associated with an educational field trip or activity trip extending beyond one (1) day. Overnight travel requires approval by the Superintendent or the Board of Education.
Overnight travel means travel which prevents employees from spending their usual sleeping hours at their residences. Unless a meeting or conference is outside of the local area (Orange or Los Angeles County), lodging for such travel will not be considered an eligible expense unless the function spans more than one day AND requires travel time of one hour or more each way.

Examples of Overnight travel in a sentence

  • Overnight travel status means (1) the employee’s duties take him away from the general area of his tax home substantially longer than an ordinary day’s work and (2) the employee needs sleep or rest to meet the demands of the work while away from home.

  • Overnight travel for department heads who report to the Board of County Commissioners must be authorized in advance by the County Commissioners.An employee on approved County business shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in completing his/her work-related assignment in accord with the Travel Reimbursement Policy established by the Board of County Commissioners (see Teton County Operational Policies).

  • Overnight travel is permitted if such travel is authorized or is a required component of a grant, donation or other funding agreement with the district.

  • Overnight travel will only be authorized if the employee is traveling a distance of over 50 miles from the City or from their home, whichever is closer to the employee’s destination.

  • Overnight travel expense reimbursement requires the advance approval of the employee's Appointing Authority.

More Definitions of Overnight travel

Overnight travel means travel where overnight lodging is required or authorized,
Overnight travel means travel that prevents Board members or District employees from spending their usual sleeping hours at their residences.
Overnight travel means the non-employee or employee is in travel status for more than 18 hours, does not live or have their official duty station within 60 map miles of destination and it is reasonable for the employee or non-employee to get necessary sleep and rest to complete work.
Overnight travel means travel associated with an educational field trip or other extracurricular activity extending beyond one (1) day which requires approval by the Superintendent or the Board of Education.
Overnight travel means travel outside of the county that exceeds twelve
Overnight travel means travel to location(s) outside of the “elected official only exclusion zone” or “exclusion zone” when the “traveler” does stay in County paid, employee reimbursed, or free lodging away from their home for one or more nights.
Overnight travel means travel where overnight lodging is required or authorized, regardless of the number of hours traveled.