YMPE definition
Examples of YMPE in a sentence
The YMPE (or “year’s maximum pensionable earnings”) is the maximum level of earnings on which contributions and benefits are based under the Canada Pension Plan Act.
If you are a part-time employee, you will be required to join the Plan on the date you have completed 24 months of employment, provided that you have earned at least 35% of the YMPE in two consecutive calendar years.
The Annuitant who meets one or both of the conditions for financial hardship set forth below may apply for a lump sum payment an amount up to 50% of YMPE from any combination of LRSPs, LIFs, RLSPs or RLIFs subject to Pension Legislation, within a calendar year, provided all withdrawals are done within 30 days.
In 2013, the YMPE is $51,100 (in 2012, the YMPE was$50,100, in 2011, the YMPE was $48,300, and in 2010 it was $47,200).
However, such maximum benefit shall not apply to Annual Pensions of 2% of current YMPE or less per year of service.