ASAM definition
ASAM means the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
ASAM means the American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria.
ASAM means the American Society of Addiction Medicine. (5) "ASI" means the Addiction Severity Index.
Examples of ASAM in a sentence
The center’s staff will complete a comprehensive assessment of the client’s needs and determine the appropriate level of care needed for the clients utilizing ASAM criteria.
The ASAM criteria provides separate placement criteria for adolescents and adults to create comprehensive and individualized treatment plans.
The ASAM Criteria is a set of guidelines for placement, continued stay, and transfer/discharge of patients with Substance Use Disorders and co-occurring conditions.
More Definitions of ASAM
ASAM means the six dimensions to identify the intensity of treatment services that best fits the individual’s needs and provides a common language of holistic, biopsychosocial assessment, and treatment across addiction treatment, physical health, and mental health services, which also addresses the spiritual issues relevant in recovery.
ASAM means the American Society of Addictive Medicine.
ASAM means the American Society of Addiction Medicine ,
ASAM means The American Society of Addiction Medicine, Third Edition (ASAM).¶
ASAM means level of care standards as outlined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine criteria.
ASAM means the American Society of Addiction Medicine, 4601 North Park Ave., Upper Arcade, Suite 101, Chevy Chase, MD 20815,
ASAM defined (NRS 458.025) “ASAM” means the current version of the American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria.