Participating Customers definition
Examples of Participating Customers in a sentence
Such written description shall also include the Competitive Supplier's plans for protecting the rights and protections of Participating Customers under the Home Energy Fair Practices Act which requires that all utility customers be treated fairly with regard to application for service, customer billing, and complaint procedures.
A toll-free telephone number will be established by Competitive Supplier and be available for Participating Customers to contact Competitive Supplier during normal business hours (9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday) to resolve concerns, answer questions and transact business with respect to the service received from Competitive Supplier.
There shall be no termination fees for any residential, small commercial, or municipal Participating Customers to disenroll from the Program.
In the event the geographic boundaries of the Municipality change during the term of this ESA, Competitive Supplier shall only be obligated to supply Firm Full-Requirements Service to those Participating Customers located within the Municipality as such boundaries existed on the Effective Date of this ESA.
The Municipality shall specifically authorize the Distribution Utility to provide, and Competitive Supplier the right to obtain and utilize as required, all billing and energy consumption information for Participating Customers as is reasonably available from the Distribution Utility.