Examples of Pay equity in a sentence
The adjustments in the Memorandum of Settlement dated April 27, 2001 resolve all the obligations for achievement of Pay equity.
Pay equity is the idea that pay for jobs requiring comparable levels of knowledge, skill, and ability should be similar, even if actual duties differ significantly.
Pay equity violations dis- closed by a contractor or potential contractor will be assessed on a case-by-case basis in light of the totality of the circumstances, including whether the violation is serious, repeated, willful, and/or pervasive, the size of the contractor, and any mitigating factors.
Pay equity violations disclosed by a contractor or potential contractor will be assessed on a case-by-case basis in light of the totality of the circumstances, including whether the violation is serious, repeated, willful, and/or pervasive, the size of the contractor, and any mitigating factors.
Pay equity is achieved when the reference rate for the female job class is at least equal to that of the male job class of equal or comparable value.
Pay equity is achieved when persons performing work in like positions across the Cuyahoga County government organization are paid on the basis of their relative qualifications and performance, with regard to the relevant labor market and within the compensation policy framework designed by the County to achieve internal and external equity in compensation practices.
Pay equity requires that jobs usually done by women (female job classes) must be valued and compared to jobs usually done by men (male job classes).
Pay equity gaps were identified by comparing the job rate of each female job class to the job rate of the male comparator job class or to the proportional rate.
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Pay equity shall be a standing agenda topic at the Labor-Management Committee.