Examples of Payment Disruption Event in a sentence
Potential investors in the Securities should note that the Equivalent Amount or adjusted amount (as the case may be) payable is likely to be less than what such amount would have been if the Payment Disruption Event had not occurred.
If "Payment Disruption" is specified to be applicable in the relevant Final Terms (or, in the case of Exempt Securities, the relevant Pricing Supplement), and the Issuer determines that a Payment Disruption Event has occurred in relation to any amount due (or shortly to be due) in respect of the Securities, the relevant payment date (and the Issuer's obligation to pay such amount) shall be postponed until the Payment Disruption Event is no longer continuing.
If "Payment Disruption" is specified to be applicable in the relevant Issue Terms, and the Issuer determines that a Payment Disruption Event has occurred in relation to any amount due (or shortly to be due) in respect of the Securities, the relevant payment date (and the Issuer's obligation to pay such amount) shall be postponed until the Payment Disruption Event is no longer continuing.
Where the Calculation Agent determines that a Payment Disruption Event has occurred or is likely to occur, then the next payment or settlement or exercise date (as applicable) under the Securities may be postponed to a date falling 14 calendar days after the date on which the Payment Disruption Event is no longer occurring.
A "Payment Disruption Event" is an event which (a) prevents, restricts or delays the Issuer from converting or delivering relevant currencies, (b) imposes capital or exchange controls, (c) implements changes to laws relating to foreign investments, or (d) otherwise prohibits or prevents the Issuer from making a payment or performing an obligation required of it as a result of war, catastrophe, governmental action or other event beyond its control.
Condition 5(f)(ii)(A) shall apply, provided that the reference therein to "Payment Disruption Event" shall be construed as a reference to "CNY Payment Disruption Event".
Accordingly, the occurrence of a Payment Disruption Event may lead to a delay and/or reduced payment or a payment in U.S. Dollars or a write down of payment obligations to as low as zero.
The Issuer's obligation to pay the Interest Amount, Fixed Coupon Amount, Final Redemption Amount or any such other amounts in respect of the relevant Notes shall, subject to Condition 5(f)(v), be postponed until five Business Days (or such other date as may be determined by the Calculation Agent and notified to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 13) after the date on which the Payment Disruption Event is no longer operating.
If "Payment Disruption" is specified to be applicable in the relevant Pricing Supplement, and the Issuer determines that a Payment Disruption Event has occurred in relation to any amount due (or shortly to be due) in respect of the Securities, the relevant payment date (and the Issuer's obligation to pay such amount) shall be postponed until the Payment Disruption Event is no longer continuing.
In the event that a Payment Disruption Event or a CNY Payment Disruption Event, as the case may be, is still occurring on the Payment Event Cut-Off Date, then the Interest Payment Date, the Fixed Interest Payment Date, the Maturity Date, or any other date on which the Interest Amount, Fixed Coupon Amount, Final Redemption Amount or other amount in respect of the relevant Notes shall be due and payable (as the case may be) for the relevant Notes shall be deemed to fall on the Payment Event Cut-Off Date.