Examples of PCA Optional Rules in a sentence
The arbitral tribunal shall decide all questions relating to its competence and, subject to any agreement between the Contracting Parties, determine its own procedure, taking into account the PCA Optional Rules.
The PCA Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between Two States shall apply to supplement provisions of these Articles.
The Parties Group may adopt supplemental provisions to ensure the smooth functioning of these rules, in particular to clarify the inter-relationship between these rules and the PCA Optional Rules.
If the OIE fails to address the complaint, the unsuccessful tenderer may request arbitration by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague, governed by the PCA arbitration rules 2012 and the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitration between International Organisations and Private Parties.
If WOAH fails to address the complaint, the unsuccessful tenderer may request arbitration by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague, governed by the PCA arbitration rules 2012 and the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitration between International Organisations and Private Parties.
In the early ‘90s a plan was proposed to amend the 1992 PCA Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between Two States.
It is indisputable that Article 65(4) of the Vienna Convention refers precisely to Article 21(1) of the PCA Optional Rules which is, in accordance with Article 6(2) of the Arbitration Agree- ment, in force between the Parties to the dispute.
The PCA has also helped administer a conciliation between an IGO and NGO under the UNCITRAL Rules of Conciliation, and a matter initially referred to arbitration under the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to the Environment and/or Natural Resources was referred, by party agreement, to conciliation under the PCA Optional Rules for Conciliation of Disputes Relating to the Environment and/or Natural Resources.
While the PCA has developed its own institutional rules specifically for inter-State arbitrations (e.g. the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between Two States), these have also not been utilised frequently.
The advisory committee consists of:• Three members that have a demonstrated record of advocacy on behalf of consumers.