Examples of Performing Rights in a sentence
In the event that Licensee wishes to register his/her interests and rights to the underlying composition of the New Song with their Performing Rights Organization (“PRO”), Licensee must simultaneously identify and register the Producer’s share and ownership interest in the composition to indicate that Producer wrote and owns 50% of the composition in the New Song and as the owner of 100% of the Publisher’s share of the New Song.
In the event that Licensee wishes to register his/her interests and rights to the underlying composition of the New Song with their Performing Rights Organization (“PRO”), Licensee must simultaneously identify and register the Producer’s share and ownership interest in the composition to indicate that Producer wrote and owns 50% of the composition in the New Song and as the owner of 50% of the Publisher’s share of the New Song.
The approval and payment of fees may be required by GEMA (equivalent of the Performing Rights Society) for musical performances of any kind: GEMAGeneraldirektion BerlinBayreuther Straße 37, 10787 Berlin, GermanyPostfach 30 12 40, 10722 Berlin, GermanyTel.
This includes where required a licence issued by the Performing Rights Society and any copyright permission.
The exhibitor shall contact GEMA (German Society for Musical Performing Rights and Mechanical Reproduction Rights) in the following cases: use of live music, band music, records, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, presentations of films with sound or videos with music or in the event of membership of an AV or TV medium.
In the event that Licensee wishes register his/her interests and rights to the underlying composition of the New Song with their Performing Rights Organization (“PRO”), Licensee must simultaneously identify and register the Producer’s share and ownership interest in the composition to indicate that Producer wrote and owns 50% of the composition in the New Song and as the owner of 100% of the Publisher’s share of the New Song.
You shall be responsible for obtaining all licences and for completing any returns that may be required by the Performing Rights Society, Phonographic Performance Limited, The Copyright Licensing Agency Limited and all other bodies in connection with the hiring of the Venue for your specific use.
The approval and payment of fees may be required by GEMA (equivalent of the Performing Rights Society) for musical performances of any kind: GEMA, Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart, Key Account Management,Herdweg 63, 70174 Stuttgart, DeutschlandTel.
The PRS licence covers performances of copyright music (including any associated words) which is controlled by The Performing Rights Society Limited (PRS for Music) or by any of the societies in other countries with which PRS for Music is affiliated.
Any user performing live music is responsible for checking whether a Performing Rights Society (PRS) licence is required.