Permanent seat license definition

Permanent seat license means a transferable license sold to
Permanent seat license means a transferable license sold to a third party that, subject to certain conditions, restrictions, and limitations, entitles the third party to purchase a season ticket to professional football games of the professional football team played in the stadium and exhibition center for so long as the team plays its games in that facility.

Related to Permanent seat license

  • Trademark License means any written agreement, now or hereafter in effect, granting to any third party any right to use any trademark now or hereafter owned by any Grantor or that any Grantor otherwise has the right to license, or granting to any Grantor any right to use any trademark now or hereafter owned by any third party, and all rights of any Grantor under any such agreement.

  • Patent License means all agreements, whether written or oral, providing for the grant by the Company of any right to manufacture, use or sell any invention covered by a Patent, including, without limitation, any thereof referred to in Schedule B hereto.

  • Copyright License means any written agreement, now or hereafter in effect, granting any right to any third party under any copyright now or hereafter owned by any Grantor or that such Grantor otherwise has the right to license, or granting any right to any Grantor under any copyright now or hereafter owned by any third party, and all rights of such Grantor under any such agreement.

  • Trademark License Agreement means that certain Trademark License Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F.

  • FLEGT-licensed means production and process methods, also referred to as timber production standards, and in the context of social criteria, contract performance conditions (only), as defined by a bilateral Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the European Union and a timber- producing country under the FLEGT scheme, where both Parties have agreed to establish a system under which timber that has been produced in accordance with the relevant laws of the producing country, and other criteria stipulated by the VPA, are licensed for export by the producing country government. This may also include any timber that has been independently verified as meeting all the producing country's requirements for a FLEGT licence, where a VPA has been signed but the FLEGT licensing system is not fully operational. Evidence from a country that has not signed up to a VPA which demonstrates that all of the requirements equivalent to FLEGT-licensed timber have been met will also be acceptable. CPET will produce further guidance on FLEGT-licensed or equivalent timber in due course.

  • Patent License Agreement means the Patent License Agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit C.

  • Trademark Licenses means all licenses, contracts or other agreements, whether written or oral, naming any Grantor as licensor or licensee and providing for the grant of any right concerning any Trademark, together with any goodwill connected with and symbolized by any such trademark licenses, contracts or agreements and the right to prepare for sale or lease and sell or lease any and all Inventory now or hereafter owned by any Grantor and now or hereafter covered by such licenses (including, without limitation, all Trademark Licenses described in Schedule II hereto).

  • Trademark Licensee means any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or similar legal entity (and not a person) that has a written trademark license agreement with Registry Operator or its Affiliate, for use of the registered trademark owned by Registry Operator or its Affiliate, the textual elements of which correspond exactly to the .Brand TLD string operated by Registry Operator, where:

  • Intercompany License Agreement means any cost sharing agreement, commission or royalty agreement, license or sub-license agreement, distribution agreement, services agreement, Intellectual Property rights transfer agreement or any related agreements, in each case where all the parties to such agreement are one or more of the Borrower and any Restricted Subsidiary thereof.

  • Copyright Licenses means all licenses, contracts or other agreements, whether written or oral, naming any Grantor as licensee or licensor and providing for the grant of any right to use or sell any works covered by any copyright (including, without limitation, all Copyright Licenses set forth in Schedule II hereto).

  • Copyleft License means any license that requires, as a condition of use, modification and/or distribution of software subject to such license, that such software subject to such license, or other software incorporated into, derived from, or used or distributed with such software subject to such license (i) in the case of software, be made available or distributed in a form other than binary (e.g., source code form), (ii) be licensed for the purpose of preparing derivative works, (iii) be licensed under terms that allow the Company’s or any Subsidiary of the Company’s products or portions thereof or interfaces therefor to be reverse engineered, reverse assembled or disassembled (other than by operation of Law) or (iv) be redistributable at no license fee. Copyleft Licenses include the GNU General Public License, the GNU Lesser General Public License, the Mozilla Public License, the Common Development and Distribution License, the Eclipse Public License and all Creative Commons “sharealike” licenses.

  • Patent Licenses means all agreements, whether written or oral, providing for the grant by or to any Grantor of any right to manufacture, use or sell any invention covered in whole or in part by a Patent, including any of the foregoing referred to in Schedule 5.

  • Trade Secret License means any agreement, whether written or oral, providing for the grant by or to any Grantor of any right in, to or under any Trade Secret.

  • Sub-License means the sub-licensing of any space in the Station Development Assets and Project Utilities in the Station Development Project, by the Station Facility Manager to any licensee, in accordance with the Station Facility Management Agreement;

  • Site License means for each product, the term “Site License” shall mean the license established upon acquisition of the applicable number of copies of such product and payment of the applicable license fees as set forth in the Statement of Work.

  • On-premise banquet license means a license issued in accordance with

  • Company License Agreements means any license agreements granting any right to use or practice any rights under any Intellectual Property (except for such agreements for off-the-shelf products that are generally available for less than $25,000), and any written settlements relating to any Intellectual Property, to which the Company is a party or otherwise bound; and the term “Software” means any and all computer programs, including any and all software implementations of algorithms, models and methodologies, whether in source code or object code.

  • Trade Secret Licenses means any and all agreements providing for the granting of any right in or to Trade Secrets (whether such Grantor is licensee or licensor thereunder).

  • Open Source License means any license meeting the Open Source Definition (as promulgated by the Open Source Initiative) or the Free Software Definition (as promulgated by the Free Software Foundation), or any substantially similar license, including any license approved by the Open Source Initiative or any Creative Commons License. “Open Source Licenses” shall include Copyleft Licenses.

  • network licence means the network licence, as the same is amended from time to time, granted to Network Rail Infrastructure Limited by the Secretary of State in exercise of his powers under section 8 of the Railways Act l993;

  • Generation Licence means an electricity generation licence granted or treated as granted pursuant to section 6(1)(a) of the EA 1989 that authorises a person to generate electricity;

  • Inactive license means a license that has expired because it was not renewed by the end of the grace period. The category of “inactive license” may include licenses formerly known as lapsed, inactive, delinquent, closed, or retired.

  • Limited-service restaurant license means a license issued in accordance

  • Exclusive License has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • License Agreements shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.11 hereof.

  • Company IP Contract means any Contract to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound, that contains any assignment or license of, or covenant not to assert or enforce, any Intellectual Property Right or that otherwise relates to any Company IP or any Intellectual Property developed by, with, or for the Company.