Examples of Permission for Treatment in a sentence
Permission for Treatment, Form 475-0814.b. The “Contractual Agreement,” Form 475-1833.10.6(4) During the interview with the resident finance office, the accounting technician will review the following items with the applicant or legal representative:a.
A copy of the Permission for Treatment and Liability Release Form must be signed and notarized by every family as part of registration.
Permission for Treatment and Owner Responsibilities I have read and initialed each topic and I understand and agree to its terms and conditions.
Receipt of the Privacy Notice will be signed by the client and witnessed by a staff member on the Permission for Treatment (PC-237).
I attest that I understand and agree to the above provisions and conditions of the Independent Contractor Affiliates Financial Agreement & Permission for Treatment, and I hereby authorize Coastal Counseling Center, P.C. and/or my provider (Independent Contractor associated with CCC), to provide counseling, psychotherapy, and/or medical treatment, for myself or my child by those duly licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.