Examples of Personnel dosimeter in a sentence
Personnel dosimeter records are generally available for all periods at LBNL for workers who had any potential for occupational radiation exposure.
Personnel dosimeter measurements are the preferred source of data for evaluating the external dose of individuals likely to exceed the monitoring thresholds.
Personnel dosimeter reading equal to or greater than 4,500 mrem (DDE) The Radiation Safety Officer shall issue a stop work order any time an individual’s dosimeter readings show a Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) equal to or greater than 4,500 mrem.
Personnel dosimeter monitoring devices must only be worn by the individual to whom the device has been issues and only worn at WesternU facilities.
Holeman; Brookhaven National LaboratoryP.22 Personnel dosimeter Calibration with Thermal Neutrons at the BNL High Flux Beam Reactor.
Personnel dosimeter badges that measure radiation dose may also be required, depending on the area to be visited and the duration of the visit, Dosimeters are required when visiting a Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) for more than 1 day per calendar year, when working at SSRL experimental areas/beam lines and when working with radioactive samples.
Personnel dosimeter badges that measure radiation dose may also be required, depending on the area to be visited and the duration of the visit, Dosimeters are required visiting a a Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) for more than 1 day per calendar year, when working at SSRL experimental areas/beam lines and when working with radioactive samples.
At the WVDP: Personnel dosimeter badge results should be provided to ALARA group managers following each dosimeter badge exchange.