Persons of low and moderate income definition
Persons of low and moderate income means persons or
Persons of low and moderate income means persons or families who are, in the case of State assisted projects or programs, so defined by the Council on Affordable Housing in the Department of Community Affairs, or in the case of federally assisted projects or programs, defined as of "low and very low income" by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Persons of low and moderate income means, for the purposes of
More Definitions of Persons of low and moderate income
Persons of low and moderate income means, for the purposes of financing owner‑occupied single family dwelling units in areas that the municipality has found, pursuant to section 36‑1479, to be slum or blighted areas, as defined in section 36‑1471, persons and families whose income does not exceed two and one‑half times the median family income of this state. In all other areas it means persons and families whose income does not exceed one and one‑half times the median family income of this state.
Persons of low and moderate income means a person or family, consisting of one or more persons all of whom occupy or will occupy the home, whose aggregate gross income including the gross income of any cosigner or guarantor of the promissory note made in connection with the making of a home mortgage loan shall not exceed a maximum amount to be established by the city or county subject to the limitations provided herein, and determined in accordance with appropriate criteria, rules and regulations, approved by the governing body of a city or county in connection with the implementation of a residential housing finance plan.
Persons of low and moderate income means persons or families who lack the amount of income which is necessary (as determined by the authority undertaking the housing project) to enable them, without financial assistance, to ((live in)) obtain, through lease or purchase, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings, without overcrowding at a reasonable cost in the area in which those persons or families reside.
Persons of low and moderate income means persons or families who can not afford to pay enough to cause private enterprise in their locality to build an adequate supply of decent, safe and sanitary dwelling for their use, and who meet the HUD national median, or any other public or private program specific standardized income eligibility requirements.
Persons of low and moderate income means persons whose
Persons of low and moderate income means, for the purposes of financing owner-occupied single family dwelling units in areas which the municipality has found, pursuant to section 36-1479, to be slum or blighted areas, as defined in section 36-1471, persons and families whose income does not exceed two and one• half times the median family income of this state. In all other areas it means persons and families whose income does not exceed one and one-half times the median family income of this state.
Persons of low and moderate income means persons or families who are,