All other areas definition
Examples of All other areas in a sentence
All other areas of the original RFP remain in effect and can only be modified in writing by CIS.
All other areas that were reviewed during the tour had partitioned or single toilets with a door to provide privacy.
All other areas of the WRC are off limits such as the TV viewing chairs/area, laundry rooms, bathrooms/showers, stairways/ramps, dorm areas, etc.
All other areas support the staff and students of these training areas.
All other areas are unclassified but not necessarily non-hazardous.
All other areas to be protected from student access by chain link fence barriers with fabric wind screens.
All other areas were covered under subpart 1, based upon their 8- hour design values (69 FR 23958).
All other areas will be authorized by the City as determined necessary.
All other areas within the terrace area shall be backfilled with native material.All backfill material shall be mechanically compacted per Section 2.6.14 (b) of the Standard Specifications for Sewer and Water Construction in Wisconsin, 6th Edition and all amendments.Density tests on backfill materials will be as specified or as directed by the engineer.
R129 All other areas that were not mapped in shoreline jurisdiction, but which do meet criteria in SMP Section IV.A, Shoreline Jurisdiction shall be assigned an Urban Conservancy designation until the shoreline can be redesignated through an SMP Amendment.