Examples of Pet dog in a sentence
When You pay Your premium, We will provide insurance Coverage for Your Pet dog or cat.
In the event that an Insured Person must interrupt their Trip and is eligible for Post Departure Trip Interruption and Delay benefits as defined in this policy, any extra cost for one-way transportation for the return of the Insured Person's Pet (dog or cat, only) to his / her province or territory of residence will be reimbursed to a maximum of $500.
To make up for that lack of the very first money, seedMuch of what is detrimental in the world of venture capital is actually the result of how returns are distributed to investors in funds.
Pet dog Riley learned to sense owner David Lundeen’s low blood sugar.
Moulton C., Pet (dog and cat) overpopulation in the United States.
Photocopy of Death Certificate issued by a Recognized Veterinary Doctor must be submitted at thetime of registration for burial of a Pet dog in the Cemetery Fees of Rs 2500/- (Two thousand fivehundred) will be charged for the purpose.A suitable ApplicationForm will be devised for Pet Dog Creche and Pet Dog Cemetery.
Import of dogs is allowed only for the following specific purposes:- (i) Pet dog with valid pet book and relevant records/documents in the name of importer; (ii) Dogs imported by the R&D Organisations for conducting research with the recommendation of CPCSEA; (iii) For the internal security by the Defence and Police Force.