Examples of Phase 1 Plan in a sentence
Staff proposes that a planning effort focusing on the Route 1 area south of Duke Street (a portion of the Southwest Quadrant Small Area Plan) be undertaken in FY 2018/2019 following completion of the Old Town North, North Potomac Yard, and Eisenhower East Phase 1 Plan Updates.
The costing of this Phase 1 Plan provides for 7 days per week, monitoring and enforcement, focusing on Town owned lands and other lands that are managed by the Town through current agreements, including Peasemarsh and Fireman’s Park that are owned by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority.
Following this effort, and after completion of the Old Town North, North Potomac Yard, and Eisenhower East Phase 1 Plan Updates, staff will undertake a strategic update to the two Mount Vernon Avenue Plans (2005 Mount Vernon Avenue Business Plan 2005 and 2003 Arlandria Action Plan 2003).
Without a clear, direct, and urgent focus on these project delivery tasks, the SSMP goals and the SWRCB milestones will not be met.Interview FindingsNo one interviewed was pleased with the progress on SSMP project delivery or the lack of specificity in the Phase 1 Plan.
THAT the City assume the wastewater pumping station and associated sewage forcemain in the Northdale Ridge Developments Limited, Phase 1 Plan of Subdivision 65M-3544 subject to the Owner paying the City $34,000 to fund the operating and maintenance cost of the station up to January 2014; 3.
Achieving the year-to-year metric by which progress toward these milestones will be measured, requires a sound approach to project planning, programming and delivery typical of capital improvement programs commonly created and implemented by public agencies.Technical FindingsWhile identifying priority projects, the Phase 1 Plan is not adequately descriptive of the priority projects and lacks a clear implementation project delivery framework.
In addition, it was also learnt that local farmers have been experimenting with and participating in dust suppression and habitat restoration efforts.Policy DirectionThe SSMP reorganization efforts should be designed to address the issues raised and take on these complex challenges involved in revitalization and dust suppression project delivery.Concurrent and consistent with the proposed reorganization efforts, the Phase 1 Plan should be thoroughly reviewed and restructured.
Innovation in PPPs is only conducive in the presence of an enabling environment for PPPs. Government’s role in the PPP is to ensure an enabling environment that is conducive for PPPs to bring about innovation and technological advancement.Figure (1) illustrates the important aspects necessary for the creation of an environment that is conducive for PPPs to be successful.
Phase 1: Plan During Phase 1, research priorities are set through the identification of the scientific uncertainties most likely to influence a course of action.
Appendix 7—Groups Involved In Each Phase of the Adaptive Management FrameworkError! Bookmark not defined Phase 1: Plan.