Examples of Physiographic province in a sentence
However, there may be unit specific emission limitations set forth in Section 7 of this permit pursuant to these rules.
The anthracite region occurs in the Ridge and Valley Physiographic province.
As shown on Figure 08-5, there are no existing oil and gas wells on or within proximity to the Project Area.The Project Area is located in the Illinoian Till Plain Region of the Till Plains Section in the Central Lowland Physiographic province of Ohio, which is located in southwestern Ohio.
The project is located in the South Central portion of the Western Gulf Coastal Plain Physiographic province.
It lies within the Coastal Plain Physiographic province that is characterized by a sediment wedge overlying hard Paleozoic metamorphic rock or hard Pre-Cretaceous igneous and sedimentary rock.
The aquifer underlying the project site in McNairy County is the McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer, part of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system in the Coastal Plain Physiographic province.
Wildlife Threatened and Endangered SpeciesNorthern Spotted Owl (NSO)The analysis area lies entirely within the Coast Range Physiographic province.
SITE GEOLOGY • This site is located approximately 700 feet northwest of the fall line between the Piedmont Physiographic province and the Atlantic Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, remaining within the Peidmont.
The basin lies entirely within the Klamath Mountains Physiographic province, an area noted for steep, rugged terrain, narrow valleys, and sharp divides.
The Site lies within the Osage Plains section (Flint Hills Upland subsection) of the Central Lowland Physiographic province.