February 2016 Sample Clauses

February 2016. “The Economic Effects of the Trans‐Pacific Partnership: New Estimates.” Xxxxxxxx
February 2016The contemplated Offering falls under the capital increases for which the €220,000,000 maximum threshold applies. So far, the Board of directors has not yet used this option the authorised capital granted in January 2016. On the date of this Securities Note the amount by which the Board of Directors could increase the subscribed capital under the authorised capital amounts therefore to €220,000,000 (for capital increases for which the €220,000,000 maximum threshold applies) At the same meeting, the Board also decided - pursuant to article 6.2 of the Issuer's articles of association and the REEC Legislation - to cancel the preferential subscription rights of the Existing Shareholders upon issuance of the Convertible Bonds and to grant a priority allocation right to the Existing Shareholders for the subscription of the Convertible Bonds. Pursuant to the RREC Legislation applicable to the Issuer, the priority allocation right must comply with the following conditions: - it pertains to the total amount of the new securities to be issued; - it is granted to the Existing Shareholders pro rata their stake in the share capital of the Issuer at the launch of the Offering; - the public offer period may not be shorter than three (3) business days; and
February 2016. For the Government of Iceland For the Farmers’ Association of Iceland
February 2016. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the commitment of the Company that when the Income Tax Act is amended to allow use of pension trust funds, the supplemental benefit will be extended to the earlier of the date the retiree is eligible to receive the Old Age Security (OAS) benefits to age 67.
February 2016. 08753470 December 2018 0.27051262 September 2021 0.00415894 March 2016..
February 2016For the avoidance of doubt, Txxxxx will not participate in the Proposed Capital Raising in respect of the ordinary shares issued to it upon the conversion of Loan 2 even if it has become a Member.
February 2016. During the course of negotiations for the current collective bargaining agreement the Union raised a concern over lost time during the period of the Company inventory. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the commitment of the Company to try to reduce or eliminate lost time. Among the actions being explored by the Company are:
February 2016. It was agreed during the current negotiations that in the event an employee is recalled under Section 9.04, but fails to meet the requirements of the job within the ten-day trial period, and is consequently laid off, he or she will retain the recall period from the original date of lay-off. In the event an employee declines the opportunity to displace the labourer classification in the initial layoff, the laid-off employee will not have the opportunity for a trial period in the labourer classification in the event of recall. However, if an employee is laid off from the plant without the opportunity of displacement of the labourer, in the event of recall, such employee will have the opportunity for a trial period in the labourer classification. Such employee will also have the opportunity to turn down the recall to the labourer classification and await recall to a classification which they have held through a successful posting as documented in their personnel file.
February 2016. Provisions:
February 2016. Parties: TCL Mobile Communication as landlord TCL Display as tenant Usage period: From 1 January 2016 to 30 April 2016 (both dates inclusive) Rental area: 42,523.55 square meters (including the main building, West building, dormitory no. 1, canteen, electric machinery room and the security duty room) Payment for the Lease/Rent: The parties confirmed that TCL Display had occupied