Examples of Plan Membership in a sentence
Services incurred after a Member’s termination of coverage, except as provided under Extension of Benefitsin Section 6: Change of Residence, Plan Renewal and Termination, and Transfer of Plan Membership.
Please refer to the section entitled Transfer of Plan Membership.
The more significant aspects of the PERS Plan are as follows: Plan Membership and Contributing Employers- Substantially all full-time employees of the State of New Jersey or any county, municipality, school district or public agency are enrolled in PERS, provided the employee is not required to be a member of another state-administered retirement system or other state pension fund or other jurisdiction’s pension fund.
Plan Membership The Iowa Judicial Retirement System (System), a single-employer public employee retirement system (PERS), is the administrator of a defined benefit pension plan.
Plan Membership Membership requirements are prescribed in Title 9 of the South Carolina Code of Laws.
These may include (this list is not exhaustive);-Dental Plan Membership Administrator.- Loss assessors.- Insurance companies.- Regulatory authorities such as the GDC and the Care Quality Commission.- Fraud prevention agencies.- NHS Local Authorities and designated agents.- The British Dental Association (BDA).- Other entities within our group.
I have had an opportunity to review the Individual and Family Plan Membership Agreement and EOC (Agreement) and by signing this document accept all terms and rates and conditions set forth in the Agreement.
Each eligible employee must complete and sign a Pathfinder Plan Membership Enrollment Form, or be identified on an approved Enrollment spreadsheet completed by Client Administrator.
A Retired Plan Member who meets the following requirements shall be entitled to 1.5 months of Coverage for each Year of Plan Membership since April 1, 1971, to a maximum of sixty (60) months.
By signing this form, you are accepting the terms, conditions, and provisions contained in this form and the Individual and Family Plan Membership Agreement and EOC.