Examples of Planning Reserve Margin in a sentence
Section 1.E: Relationship to the Planning Reserve Margin and Resource AdequacyDR programs avoid the need for generation capacity since they are designed to reduce customer usage during periods when supply-side resources might be unavailable, constrained or expensive, historically during peak summer afternoon hours.
R.08-04-012, OIR to Consider Revisions to the Planning Reserve Margin for Reliable and Cost-Effective Electric Service.
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) conducts an annual Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) study to determine a Planning Reserve Margin Unforced Capacity (PRM UCAP), zonal per-unit Local Reliability Requirements (LRR), Zonal Import Ability (ZIA), Zonal Export Ability (ZEA), Capacity Import Limits (CIL) and Capacity Export Limits (CEL).
Not all the actions listed here are applicable all the time and thus this list is not prescriptive but rather is primarily meant to be a guide for the UNDAC members’ discretionary use.UNDAC member’s pre-mission awareness.
The Planning Reserve Margin (“PRM”) shall be set in the SPP Planning Criteria.
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) conducts an annual Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) study to determine a Planning Reserve Margin Unforced Capacity (PRM UCAP), zonal per-unit Local Reliability Requirements (LRR), Capacity Import Limits (CIL) and Capacity Export Limits (CEL).
For example, it runs a capacity market, called the Planning Reserve Auction (“PRA”), that includes the Planning Reserve Margin Requirement that requires that 16% more megawatts be available over the expected peak.
Planning Reserve Margin Requirement/Reserve Sharing PoolIn addition to the load requirements of the State’s customers, the state utilities must also maintain reserves above their peak demand forecast (“Minimum Obligation”).
The annual Resource Adequacy Plan must identify the Resource Adequacy Resources that will be relied upon to satisfy the Planning Reserve Margin under Section 40.4, or portion thereof as established by the CPUC or applicable Local Regulatory Authority, and must apply the Net Qualifying Capacity requirements of Section 40.5.2.
Because the EGEAS model only allows for a single annual Planning Reserve Margin (PRM) value, an updated approach reflects MISO’s shift to a seasonal Resource Adequacy construct.