Playboy definition

Playboy means Playboy Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Playboy magazine in the Territory (or any product or service carrying the brand of any such magazine). Further, Licensee will not advertise or promote the Channels or otherwise use the Trademarks in any Media in connection with any of the foregoing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any advertising or direct marketing programs provided by PEGI under the Program Supply Agreement or otherwise expressly approved by PEGI will be deemed acceptable for transmission over a Channel.
Playboy is defined in the preamble to this Agreement.

Examples of Playboy in a sentence

  • Playboy Enters., Inc.v. Netscape Commc’ns Corp., 354 F.3d 1020, 1028 (9th Cir.

  • Sandra Pouchet Paquet, “Mustapha Matura’s Playboy of the West Indies: Carnival discourse on Imitation and Originality”, Journal of West Indian Literature, vol.

  • Playboy Publications include any magazine published by Defendant or one of its subsidiaries in the United States, including but not limited to Playboy magazine.

  • This situation changed with the founding of Hugh Hefner’s American men’s lifestyle magazine Playboy in 1953.

  • Possession, use or display of pornographic, lewd, or suggestive pictures, literature, videos (this includes internet usage or streaming videos through services such as Netflix), or magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Playboy, or other sexually explicit magazines.

More Definitions of Playboy

Playboy com" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
Playboy branded programs, "Spice"-branded programs, adult films licensed by Licensor, and any other programming, including the Wallpaper (as described in Section 2.1(c)). For clarity, the parties acknowledge that the Existing Playboy Library includes all programs produced or acquired by Licensor and/or its Affiliates pursuant to Licensor's 1998 production budget, the Existing Spice Library includes all programs (other than programs which are part of the Existing U.K. Library) that Licensor (or its Affiliates) acquired in the Spice Transaction, and the Existing U.K. Library includes all programs that Licensor (or its Affiliates) acquired through the U.K. Subsidiaries . In the event PTVI wishes to exploit any program for which Licensor has disclosed it, the Spice Rights Subsidiaries, or the U.K. Subsidiaries does not have all ancillary rights necessary for such exploitation, Licensor will employ commercially reasonable best efforts to secure the necessary rights.
Playboy and "Spice"-type programs only, and not any Alta Loma programs (as described in Section 6.3). Licensor further warrants that the style, content, mix and budgets of the Output Programs will be generally consistent with the current programming of the Playboy TV and Spice channels as they are constituted in the United States (with respect to the Spice channel, such Output Programs will be consistent with that channel as modified by Licensor after the Spice Closing). For purposes of clarity, this means that in each Fiscal Year (i) the relative number of hours of series, specials, and movies (taking into account the number of movies acquired by Spice Entertainment Companies, Inc. in 1998) will be substantially similar to those produced or acquired by Licensor in 1998 (excluding Alta Loma programs); and (ii) the ratio of the number of hours of Licensor-produced programs relative to the total number of hours of Output Programs will be no less than as in 1998. Relevant information about the current mix of Licensor programming is set forth in Schedule 6.2(c). In the event Licensor fails to produce Output Programs at a level of hours and mix which is substantially similar to such levels as contemplated herein (the "Licensor Shortfall"), Licensee will have the right to provide for the production and acquisition of a sufficient supply of programs to replace the Licensor Shortfall. (For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge that in the event of a Licensor Shortfall, the Program License Fee due for such year will be calculated based on the total cost of the Output Programs actually produced or acquired during such year.)
Playboy. Indonesia and the media: commerce and the Islamic public sphere on trial in Indonesia”. Southeast Asian Research, 16 (1): 85-116. xxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx. 2007 Communal Violence and Democratization in Indonesia: small town wars. London and New York: Routledge. Xxxxx, Xxxxx. 2013. Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia. PhD Dissertation. Universiteit Van Amsterdam. -------. 2016. “The Salience of Gender: Female Islamic Authority in Aceh”. Asian Studies Review, 40, (4): 524-544. Xxxx, Xxxxxx., Xxxx Xxxxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxx. 2006. “Social Network and the study of relations: networks as method, metaphor and form”. Economy and Society, 35 (1): 113-140.
Playboy com" means, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Playboy magazine, unless earlier terminated as hereinafter provided." All other terms and conditions shall remain as stated in the Agreement. AGREED & ACCEPTED: TIME/WARNER RETAIL SALES & MARKETING INC. By: /s/ Robert J. Bedor ---------------------------- PLAYBOY ENTERPRIXXX, XXX.
Playboy. PLAYBOY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC, a Delaware corporation By: /s/ Xxxxx X. English ------------------------------- Its: President "Directrix" DIRECTRIX, INC., a Delaware corporation By: /s/ J. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx ------------------------------- Its: Chairman & CEO