Examples of PMS contractor in a sentence
The changes to paragraph 8.6 restore the concept of “completing immunisations” (that was used in the Statement of Fees and Allowances) whereby to count towards achievement of a target, the finalimmunisation needed to complete the course must be carried out within the NHS, i.e. by the contractor, another GMS contractor, a PMS contractor, an APMS contractor or by a PCTMS contractor.
However, so long as the surgery was being used for the purpose of delivering services for GMS or a PMS contractor, the trust would be exempt from registration due to the public authority exemption.
However, so long as the surgery was being used for the purpose of delivering services for a GMS or a PMS contractor, the trust would be exempt from registration due to the public authority exemption.
The amount payable as a Quarterly FYOIP under direction 25 falls due to the PMS contractor on the last day of the following quarter.
The trust must be created – i.e. exist – “for the purpose of enabling or assisting” the GMS or PMS contractor “to carry out its functions”.