point of consumption means a point of consumption as defined in the Regulations;
Point of Service means the point at which FortisAlberta’s service conductors are connected to the conductors or apparatus of a Customer;
Point of Reception means any point on the premises of a person where sound or vibration originating from other than those premises is received.
point of metering means the point at which the customer’s consumption of electricity is metered and which may be at the point of supply or at any other point on the distribution system of the municipality or the electrical installation of the customer, as specified by the municipality; provided that it shall meter all of, and only, the customer’s consumption of electricity;
Total Loss means, in relation to a Ship:
point of supply means the point determined by the Municipality or any duly authorised official of the Municipality at which electricity is supplied to any premises by the Municipality;
Point of Connection means the point at which electricity may flow into or out of the Network;
point of entry /"Point of Exit" means a location designated for the in-country arrival of inspection teams for inspections pursuant to this Convention or for their departure after completion of their mission.
Point of Receipt or “POR” means the point on an electricity transmission or distribution system where an electricity receiver receives electricity from a deliverer. This point can be an interconnection with another system or a substation where the transmission provider’s transmission and distribution systems are connected to another system.
Combined sewer overflow means the discharge of untreated or
Point of Interconnection means the point or points where the Customer Interconnection Facilities interconnect with the Transmission Owner Interconnection Facilities or the Transmission System.
Point of Presence or "POP" means the Point of Presence of an IXC. "Pole Attachment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 10.8.1.
Point of Impingement means any point outside the facility in the natural environment and as defined by s.2 of O. Reg. 419/05.
Point of Sale means, for a Placement, the time at which an acquiror of Placement Shares entered into a contract, binding upon such acquiror, to acquire such Placement Shares.
Point of Contact means the individual designated to be a Vendor’s only contact with the DCH following the public advertisement of a solicitation or the issuance of a request for a bid, proposal, or quote, until the award of a resulting contract and resolution of a Protest, if applicable.
Point of compliance means the location(s) at the source(s) of contamination or at the location(s) between the source(s) and the point(s) of exposure where concentrations of chemicals of concern must meet applicable risk-based screening levels at Tier 1 or other target level(s) at Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Enrollee point-of-service cost-sharing or "cost-sharing" means amounts paid to health carriers directly providing services, health care providers, or health care facilities by enrollees and may include copayments, coinsurance, or deductibles.
Electrical Losses means all applicable losses, including the following: (a) any transmission or transformation losses between the CAISO revenue meter(s) and the Delivery Point; and (b) the Distribution Loss Factor, if applicable.
Ministry Point of Impingement Limit means the appropriate Standard from Schedule 1, 2 or 3 from O.Reg. 419/05 and if a standard is not provided for a Contaminant of Concern the appropriate criteria listed in the Ministry publication titled "Summary of Standards and Guidelines to support Ontario Regulation 419: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (including Schedule 6 of O. Reg. 419 on Upper Risk Thresholds)", dated February 2008, as amended.
Total Loss Date means, in relation to a Ship:
Point of origin means the specific location on carrier's system as designated in its tariff where carrier accepts petroleum product for shipment and may be referred to in other items of this tariff as "origin station or origin."
Point of common coupling means the point which the distributed generation facility is connected to the EDU's system.
Flare means a vendor-provided informational sign that, at a minimum, displays the prize structure, the serial number of the sleeve in play, the odds of winning a prize, and the price of the ticket. (3-26-08)
Gross weight means the aggregate weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles and the load
Point of Order means a matter that a Member considers to be a departure from or contravention of the rules, procedures or generally accepted practices of Council.
High voltage bus means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS, that operates on a high voltage.