Poisoned Environment definition

Poisoned Environment means comments or conduct related to the prohibited grounds and of a significant nature or degree that creates ill will, enmity, or malice for individuals or groups. It includes comments or conduct that creates and maintains an offensive, hostile or intimidating climate for work, study or living. Examples of a poisoned environment may include, but are not limited to, graffiti, cartoons, signs, remarks, exclusion and adverse treatment related to one or more of the prohibited grounds.
Poisoned Environment means comments or conduct related to the prohibited grounds and of a significant nature or degree that creates ill will, enmity, or malice for individuals or groups. It includes comments or conduct that creates and maintains an offensive, hostile or intimidating climate for work, study or living. Examples of a poisoned environment may include, but are limited to, graffiti, cartoons, signs, remarks, exclusion and adverse treatment related to one or more of the prohibited grounds.
Poisoned Environment means persistent or repetitious comments or conduct that creates a hostile or intolerant environment. Comments or conduct need not be directed at a specific person and may be from any person, regardless of position or status. A single comment or action, if sufficiently serious, may create a poisoned environment.

Examples of Poisoned Environment in a sentence

  • Poisoned Environment refers to a TDSB environment that is oppressive, negative, hostile, unwelcoming, or non-inclusive as a result of vexatious behavior that is based on a prohibited ground and that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome.

  • If the Preliminary Assessment determines that a complaint is, at face value, a matter of Sexual Violence, and/or demonstrates the existence of a Poisoned Environment, the appropriate resolution process in the circumstance will be initiated (i.e. Facilitated Resolution or Formal Resolution).

  • Last Date for Receipt of Bids4.14.1. Bids will be received by the authority as mentioned in Para 4.3. Bidder must submit their proposal using Digital Signature online as per the schedule mentioned in tender schedule.

  • Sheridan recognizes its responsibility to ensure that every Member in its community is protected from unlawful discrimination and harassment and will not tolerate such behavior as defined under this Policy, including behaviours that contribute to a Poisoned Environment.

  • Sheridan Community Members are encouraged to report to CEI in good faith any allegations of discrimination or harassment, as well as the reasonable belief of the existence of a Poisoned Environment.

More Definitions of Poisoned Environment

Poisoned Environment means a situation created where harassing and discriminatory behaviours have a negative impact on a UOIT Member’s ability to learn or work. A Poisoned Environment may result from a pattern of events or a single incident. An individual does not need to be a direct subject of the harassing or discriminatory behaviour in order to be affected by a Poisoned Environment.
Poisoned Environment means an environment where harassing or discriminatory conduct causes significant and unreasonable interference with a person’s work environment;
Poisoned Environment means an environment in which harassing or discriminatory behaviours are sufficiently severe and/or pervasive and cause such significant and unreasonable interference in a person’s campus community environment that they may be deemed to be creating an intimidating, hostile, and offensive campus community environment. A poisoned environment can interfere with and/or undermine work or academic performance and can cause emotional and psychological stress that is not experienced by other employees, volunteers, or students. As such, a poisoned environment results in unequal terms and conditions of employment, involvement, or study and prevents or impairs full and equal enjoyment, involvement, goods, services, benefits, or opportunities.
Poisoned Environment means a comment or conduct that constitutes harassment or discrimination and that creates a negative psychological and emotional environment for work or study.
Poisoned Environment means: Sexual harassment is a form of harassment and may consists of, but is not limited to:
Poisoned Environment means an environment where comments or conduct (including comments or conduct that are condoned or allowed to continue when brought to the attention of management) create a discriminatory work environment such that it can be said that it has become a term and condition of one’s employment to have to be in such a workplace. The comments or conduct need not be directed to a specific individual, and may be from any individual, regardless of position or status. A single comment or action, if sufficiently serious, may create a poisoned environment. Definition when not defined‌

Related to Poisoned Environment

  • Environment means ambient air, indoor air, surface water, groundwater, drinking water, soil, surface and subsurface strata, and natural resources such as wetland, flora and fauna.

  • Potentially hazardous food means any food or ingredient, natural or synthetic, in a form capable of supporting the growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms, including Clostridium botulinum. This term includes raw or heat treated foods of animal origin, raw seed sprouts, and treated foods of plant origin. The term does not include foods which have a pH level of 4.6 or below or a water activity (Aw) value of 0.85 or less.