Poisoned Environment definition
Examples of Poisoned Environment in a sentence
Poisoned Environment refers to a TDSB environment that is oppressive, negative, hostile, unwelcoming, or non-inclusive as a result of vexatious behavior that is based on a prohibited ground and that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome.
If the Preliminary Assessment determines that a complaint is, at face value, a matter of Sexual Violence, and/or demonstrates the existence of a Poisoned Environment, the appropriate resolution process in the circumstance will be initiated (i.e. Facilitated Resolution or Formal Resolution).
Last Date for Receipt of Bids4.14.1. Bids will be received by the authority as mentioned in Para 4.3. Bidder must submit their proposal using Digital Signature online as per the schedule mentioned in tender schedule.
Sheridan recognizes its responsibility to ensure that every Member in its community is protected from unlawful discrimination and harassment and will not tolerate such behavior as defined under this Policy, including behaviours that contribute to a Poisoned Environment.
Sheridan Community Members are encouraged to report to CEI in good faith any allegations of discrimination or harassment, as well as the reasonable belief of the existence of a Poisoned Environment.