Pole owner definition

Pole owner means a public utility having ownership or control of poles used, in whole or in part, for any electric or telecommunications service.
Pole owner means a utility that owns poles subject to the safety jurisdiction of the board pursuant to the Iowa electrical safety code, 199—25.2(476,476A,478).
Pole owner means a person who owns or controls a pole.

Examples of Pole owner in a sentence

  • Signage required under this section shall not exceed 4” x 6”, unless otherwise required by law (e.g. RF ground notification signs) or the City Manager.Except as required by Laws or by the Utility Pole owner, Network Provider shall not post any other signage or advertising on the Micro Network Node, Network Node, Node Support Pole, Service pole or Utility Pole.

  • A Wireless Provider may, with the permission of the Pole owner, replace or modify existing Poles, but any such replacement or modification must be consistent with the design aesthetics of the Poles being modified or replaced.

  • Signage required under this section shall not exceed 4” x 6”, unless otherwise required by law (e.g. RF ground notification signs) or the City Manager.7.2 Except as required by law or by the Utility Pole owner, a Network Provider shall not post any other signage or advertising on the Micro Network Node, Network Node, Node Support Pole, Service pole or Utility Pole.

  • In the event of a conflict between the privileges of Licensee and any Other Attaching Entity that cannot be resolved by reference to the Pole Attachment Standards, CPS Energy shall resolve the conflict as the Pole owner based on non-discriminatory principles.

  • Except as required by Laws or by the Utility Pole owner, Network Provider shall not post any other signage or advertising on the Micro Network Node, Network Node, Node Support Pole, Service pole or Utility Pole.

More Definitions of Pole owner

Pole owner means a person, corporation or entity having ownership of a pole or similar structure in the right of way to which utilities, including without limitation, electric and communications facilities, are located or may be located whether such ownership is in fee simple or by franchise.
Pole owner means a person, corporation or entity having ownership of a pole or
Pole owner means a local exchange carrier, a public utility or an electric utility, a communications services provider, a cable television operator, or other public utility which owns a pole used for electrical purposes or wire or wireless communications.
Pole owner means a utility; and
Pole owner means a local exchange carrier, a public
Pole owner means an electric or telecommunications utility that owns poles, ducts, conduits, and rights-of-way subject to the safety jurisdiction of the board pursuant to the Iowa electrical safety code, 199—25.2(476,476A,478), except for any utility that is cooperatively organized or that is owned by a municipality or other governmental entity.
Pole owner means a utility that owns poles subject to the safety jurisdiction of the board pursuant to the Iowa electrical safety code, 199—25.2(476,476A,478).25.4(2)"b" Compliance with Iowa electrical safety code. Pole attachments to poles shall be constructed, installed, operated, and maintained in compliance with the Iowa electrical safety code, 199—25.2(476,476A,478), and the requirements and procedures established in this subrule.DOCKET NO. RMU-2012-0002 PAGE 12 25.4(2)"c" Requests for access to poles. A pole owner shall provide non-discriminatory access to poles it owns. Requests for access to poles by an electric utility, communications carrier, cable system operator, video service provider, data service provider, wireless service provider, or similar person or entity shall be made in writing or by any method as may be agreed to by the entity requesting access to the pole and the pole owner. If access is denied, the pole owner shall explain in detail the specific reason for denial and how the denial relates to reasons of lack of capacity, safety, reliability, or engineering standards.25.4(2)"d" Notification of violation. A pole owner shall notify in writing a pole occupant of an alleged violation of the Iowa electrical safety code by a pole attachment owned by the pole occupant, or may provide notice by another method as may be agreed to by the parties to a pole attachment agreement. The notice shall include the address and pole location where the alleged violation occurred, a description of the alleged violation, and suggested corrective action.25.4(2)"e" Corrective action.