Requirements and Procedures Sample Clauses

Requirements and Procedures a. All structural and floor loading requirements of Tenant shall be subject to the prior approval of Landlord’s structural engineer at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. b. All mechanical (HVAC, plumbing and sprinkler) and electrical requirements shall be subject to the approval of Landlord’s mechanical and electrical engineers and all mechanical and electrical work shall be performed by contractors who are engaged by Landlord in constructing, operating or maintaining the Building. When necessary, Landlord will require engineering and shop drawings, which drawings must be approved by Landlord before work is started. Drawings are to be prepared by Tenant and all approvals shall be obtained by Tenant. c. If shutdown of risers and mains for electrical, life safety system, HVAC, sprinkler and plumbing work is required, such work shall be supervised by Landlord’s representative. No work will be performed in Building mechanical equipment rooms without Landlord’s approval and under Landlord’s supervision. d. Tenant’s contractor shall: (1) have a superintendent or xxxxxxx on the Premises at all times; (2) police the job at all times, continually keeping the Premises orderly; (3) maintain cleanliness and protection of all areas, including elevators (if any) and lobbies. (4) protect the front and top of all peripheral HVAC units and thoroughly clean them at the completion of work; (5) block off supply and return grills, diffusers and ducts to keep dust from entering into the Building air conditioning system; and (6) avoid the disturbance of other tenants. e. If Tenant’s contractor is negligent in any of its responsibilities, Tenant shall be charged for corrective work. f. All equipment and installations must be equal to the standards generally in effect with respect to the remainder of the Building. Any deviation from such standards will be permitted only if indicated or specified on the plans and specifications and approved by Landlord. g. A properly executed air balancing report signed by a professional engineer shall be submitted to Landlord upon the completion of all HVAC work. h. Upon completion of the Alterations, Tenant shall submit to Landlord a permanent certificate of occupancy and final approval by the other governmental agencies having jurisdiction. i. Tenant shall submit to Landlord a final “as-built” set of drawings showing all items of the Alterations in full detail, in both hard copy and electronic form. j. Additional and differing provisions in the Lea...
Requirements and Procedures. 1. Each Party shall publish or otherwise make available tothe other Party on the date of entry into force of this Agreement, with respect to natural persons covered by that Party's specific commitments under Article 76, information on requirements andprocedures necessary for an effective application by naturalpersons of the other Party for the grant of entry into, initialtemporary stay in or renewal thereof, and, where applicable,permission to work in, and a change of status of temporary stayin, the former Party. 2. Each Party shall endeavor to provide, upon request by anatural person of the other Party, information on requirementsand procedures referred to in paragraph 1. 3. Each Party shall endeavor to promptly inform the otherParty of the introduction of any new requirements and procedures, or changes in any existing requirements and procedures referred to in paragraph 1 that affect the effective application bynatural persons of the other Party for the grant of entry into,initial temporary stay in or renewal thereof, and, whereapplicable, permission to work in, and a change of status oftemporary stay in, the former Party.
Requirements and Procedures. 1. Each Party shall establish and make publicly available requirements and procedures for application for a renewal of the period of temporary stay, a change of status of temporary stay or an issuance of a work permit for a natural person of the other Party who has been granted entry and temporary stay under paragraph 1 of Article 94. 2. Each Party shall endeavor to provide, upon request by a natural person of the other Party, information on requirements and procedures referred to in paragraph 1. 3. Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and regulations, ensure that fees charged by its competent authorities on application referred to in paragraph 1 do not in themselves represent an unjustifiable impediment to the movement of natural persons of the other Party under this Chapter.
Requirements and Procedures. 1. Full-time employees are eligible to apply for reimbursement if they have attained status, worked in a permanent position with the Department for at least six (6) months and are in satisfactory performance standing prior to the course starting date. Applicants must maintain assignment to a permanent position and be on the payroll at the completion of the course in order to qualify for reimbursement. 2. Application for reimbursement shall directly relate to the improvement, change, or college degree in a field of work which is job related or in preparation for a potential promotion which benefits the Department. 3. Accredited schools, institutes, academies, community colleges, colleges, and universities shall be considered as approved educational centers. Correspondence schools and "mail order" institutions will not be considered acceptable institutions for purposes of reimbursement. 4. Partial (50%) reimbursement may be provided for accredited job-related courses properly pre-authorized for reimbursement upon receipt of written verification of successful course completion with a minimum grade of C or its equivalent. Such reimbursement shall be applicable to expenditures for tuition, books and lab fees. Verification of successful course completion shall be an authentic copy of the grade report. Such verification must be submitted within thirty (30) days of completion of the course. Incomplete courses and/or deferred grades will not qualify for reimbursements for tuition, books or lab fees. 5. No reimbursement will be made for travel, meals, lodging, or other miscellaneous fees or expenses. 6. No unit employee shall receive reimbursement for more than two (2) courses in any one (1) semester or term. 7. For unit employees receiving tuition payments, stipends or education grants from any other government agency or government source or from any scholarship source, reimbursement under this Article will be limited to that portion of the tuition which exceeds the amount of such payments, stipends or grants. Prior to receipt of any reimbursement under this article, employees are required to disclose to the employer reimbursement from all sources of funding for costs associated with the same course, regardless of when payment is, or will be, received. The combination of payment from tuition reimbursement (Article 15-A) and the Professional Development Fund (Article 15-B) shall not exceed 100% of the costs associated with the course.
Requirements and Procedures. 1. Full-time employees are eligible to apply for reimbursement if they have attained status, worked in a permanent position with the Department for at least six (6) months and are in satisfactory performance standing prior to the course starting date. Applicants must maintain assignment to a permanent position and be on the payroll at the completion of the course in order to qualify for reimbursement. 2. Application for reimbursement shall directly relate to the improvement, change, or college degree in a field of work which is job related or in preparation for a potential promotion which benefits the Department.
Requirements and Procedures. (a) The number of employees on sabbatical leave during any one semester shall be limited to two (2) percent (rounded to nearest whole number) of the certificated staff. The granting of such leave shall be governed by: (1) Relative merits of reasons for desiring leave. (2) Reasonable distribution of applicants by schools. (3) Seniority (b) Application for sabbatical leave must be filed with the personnel office by March 15 for the following school year, or by October 15 if for the spring semester only. The Superintendent shall give notice to the applicant whether the request is granted or rejected within sixty (60) days after the due date for filing the application. (c) Applications shall include a tentative list of courses if the purpose is study, a description of the project if the purpose is research, or a tentative itinerary if the purpose is travel. Applications shall include a statement as to the proposed benefit to the District. (d) The application must be accompanied by a certificate of health signed by a medical doctor, indicating that the applicant is in satisfactory physical condition to undertake the study or travel proposed. (e) A sabbatical leave once granted may not be terminated without due cause before the date of expiration, except as otherwise provided herein or as otherwise agreed upon by the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees in communication with the employee. (f) A committee composed of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association and two (2) administrators shall review the request and submit its recommendations to the Board.
Requirements and Procedures. Anyone who wishes to receive accommodations while taking dual enrollment classes must first be accepted through the regular dual enrollment application procedures. No pre-admissions inquiry with regard to an applicant’s disability will be made. It is the responsibility of the student to disclose a disability if accommodations are required. All documentation must be on official letterhead and include a complete evaluation signed and dated by a medical doctor, psychiatrist or licensed mental health practitioner. A complete psycho- educational evaluation for all disabilities that affect cognitive function, a description of the current functional impact of the disability on the student’s physical, cognitive and behavioral abilities in the educational setting, and, recommended academic accommodations, are required.
Requirements and Procedures. FOR NASA, THE NAVY AND CM SPE
Requirements and Procedures. 23 1. Full-time employees are eligible to apply for reimbursement if they have 24 attained status, worked in a permanent position with the Department for at 25 least six (6) months and are in satisfactory performance standing prior to 26 the course starting date. Applicants must maintain assignment to a 27 permanent position and be on the payroll at the completion of the course 28 in order to qualify for reimbursement. 29 2. Application for reimbursement shall directly relate to the improvement, 30 change, or college degree in a field of work which is job related or in 31 preparation for a potential promotion which benefits the Department. 32 3. Accredited schools, institutes, academies, community colleges, colleges, 33 and universities shall be considered as approved educational centers. 34 Correspondence schools and "mail order" institutions will not be 35 considered acceptable institutions for purposes of reimbursement. 36 4. Partial (50%) reimbursement may be provided for accredited job-related 37 courses properly pre-authorized for reimbursement upon receipt of written 38 verification of successful course completion with a minimum grade of C or 39 its equivalent. Such reimbursement shall be applicable to expenditures for 40 tuition, books and lab fees. Verification of successful course completion 1 shall be an authentic copy of the grade report. Such verification must be 2 submitted within thirty (30) days of completion of the course. Incomplete 3 courses and/or deferred grades will not qualify for reimbursements for 4 tuition, books or lab fees. 5 5. No reimbursement will be made for travel, meals, lodging, or other 6 miscellaneous fees or expenses. 7 6. No unit employee shall receive reimbursement for more than two (2) 8 courses in any one (1) semester or term. 17 payment from tuition reimbursement (Article 15-A) and the Professional 18 Development Fund (Article 15-B) shall not exceed 100% of the costs 19 associated with the course.
Requirements and Procedures. 1. Each Party shall publish or otherwise make available to the other Party upon the date of entry into force of this Agreement, with respect to natural persons covered by that Party's specific commitments set out in Annex 7, information on requirements and procedures necessary for an effective application by natural persons of the other Party for the grant of: (a) entry into the former Party; (b) initial temporary stay in the former Party; (c) renewal of temporary stay in the former Party; (d) where applicable, permission to work in the former Party; and (e) change of status of temporary stay in the former Party. 2. Each Party shall endeavor to provide, upon request by a natural person of the other Party, information on requirements and procedures referred to in paragraph 1. 3. Each Party shall endeavor to promptly inform the other Party of the introduction of any new requirements and procedures, or changes in any existing requirements and procedures referred to in paragraph 1 that affect the effective application by natural persons of the other Party for the grant of entry, temporary stay or permission referred to in subparagraphs 1(a) through (e). 4. Each Party shall ensure that fees charged by its competent authorities on application referred to in paragraph 1 do not in themselves represent an unjustifiable impediment to entry and temporary stay of natural persons of the other Party under this Chapter. 5. Each Party shall endeavor, to the maximum extent possible, to take measures to simplify the requirements and to facilitate and expedite the procedures related to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons of the other Party subject to its laws and regulations.