Examples of Pool Insurer in a sentence
The commitment shall be for a stated period of time to be negotiated by the Lender and the Eligible Borrower, for a stated amount of money, at the Interest Rate, for the purpose of financing the acquisition of a particular Qualified Dwelling, and may be conditioned only upon approval of the Mortgage Loan for purchase by the Authority and approval by a private mortgage insurer, the FHA, the USDA, the VA and the Pool Insurer, as applicable.
Unless sooner terminated as provided in this Agreement or by mutual agreement, this Agreement shall continue from its date until the later of the date on which all of the Mortgage Loans purchased by the Authority under this Agreement are (i) paid in full or (ii) assigned to the private mortgage insurer, Pool Insurer or any other insurer and the applicable insurer takes possession of the Qualified Dwelling.
Modification of any material fact after SONYMA has reviewed the Mortgage Loan application file must be submitted by the Seller and must be approved by the PMI, the Pool Insurer, and SONYMA prior to the Mortgage Loan Closing Date.
Any change in the amount of the Mortgage Loan or other salient terms or conditions must be reported by Seller to SONYMA, the Pool Insurer, and the PMI.
Mortgage Loans closing after this period must receive an extension from the Pool Insurer, and must close on or prior to the extended expiration date.