Section 9.4 Sample Clauses
Section 9.4. 2 The seniority rights of an employee shall be lost for the following reasons:
3 A. Resignation;
4 B. Discharge for justifiable cause; or
Section 9.4. 38 The seniority rights of an employee shall be lost for the following reasons: 39 40 A. Resignation;
Section 9.4. 27 Seniority rights shall not be lost for the following reasons:
28 a. Time lost by reason of industrial accident, industrial illness or jury duty;
29 b. Time on a paid leave of absence;
30 c. Time off granted for the purpose of serving in the Armed Forces of the United States; or
31 d. Time spent on protracted illness leave.
Section 9.4. 23 The seniority of an employee shall be lost for the following reasons:
25 A. Resignation from all bargaining unit positions in the Rainier School District;
26 B. Discharge for justifiable cause;
Section 9.4. 42 The Employer agrees to comply with the Washington State and Federal family and medical leave laws.
Section 9.4. Full-Time employees covered by this Agreement who, in their first anniversary year, worked two thousand (2,000) hours or more and who have been continuously employed by their employer for a period of one (1) year, shall be credited with forty-eight (48) hours of sick leave pay. Employees (excluding part-time courtesy clerks) who in their first anniversary year work one thousand two hundred and forty-eight (1,248) hours or more (but less than two thousand [2,000] hours) and who have been continuously employed by their employer for a period of one (1) year, shall be credited with hours of sick leave with pay on the basis of the total hours worked (including vacation hours) in their anniversary year divided by two thousand eighty (2,080) hours times forty-eight (48) hours. It is understood that employees shall not be credited with more than forty- eight (48) hours of sick leave credit per anniversary year. Unused sick leave shall be cumulative, and after the first year of continuous employment, full-time employees shall accumulate unused sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours for each month of continuous employment in which they work one hundred sixty (160) hours in a four (4) week month and two hundred (200) hours in a five (5) week month. Employees who work at least ninety-six (96) hours (but less than one hundred sixty (160) hours) in a four (4) week month and one hundred twenty (120) hours (but less than two hundred (200) hours) in a five (5) week month shall accumulate unused sick leave for each month of continuous employment on the basis of total hours worked during the preceding month divided by one hundred sixty (160) hours in a four (4) week month and two hundred (200) hours in a five (5) week month times four (4). Said monthly credit shall not exceed four (4) hours for each month. Unused sick leave shall not exceed a maximum accumulation of six hundred (600) hours. A doctor's certificate or other authoritative verification of illness may be required by the Employer. Said sick leave is to commence on the second full workday's absence for sickness or non-occupational injury, and on the first workday's absence if the employee is hospitalized, undergoes outpatient surgery, or has accumulated in excess of one hundred and ninety-two (192) hours. The waiting period provided herein shall apply for each illness or non-occupational injury. Any employees ineligible for first day sick pay under this provision shall be permitted to use up to five (5) days per ...
Section 9.4. 40 Seniority rights shall not be lost and shall accrue for the following reasons, without limitation:
Section 9.4. 2.
21 A. The duration of maternity leave shall be for the period of disability, as determined by a 22 doctor’s note.
23 B. Extenuating circumstances may develop that must be verified by a physician's written 24 statement in which case leave may be extended.
25 C. When granted, leave shall be without pay and fringe benefits except for that portion 26 covered by sick leave. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, any 27 employees covered under the Federal Family Leave Act shall receive insurance as 28 required by law.
29 D. All employment rights shall be maintained during such leave.
Section 9.4 leave of absence without pay may be granted for a limited period of time not to exceed one (1) year. 22 Leaves in this category can only be made by the Superintendent or designee, with School Board 23 approval, and are not subject to review under the grievance policy except where noted herein. Leave 24 shall not be granted to seek other employment.
Section 9.4. 27 Should a holiday occur while an employee is on vacation, the employee will be paid holiday pay.