Pool plan definition
Examples of Pool plan in a sentence
No person is eligible for coverage under the Pool plan unless such person has been rejected by at least two insurers for coverage substantially similar to the plan coverage.
Aquatics Documentation services consisting of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the swimming pool architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems, materials, and such as other elements, as may be appropriate, through the preparation of the following exhibits: .01 Swimming Pool/Recreation Pool plan view.
As used in this paragraph, rejection includes an offer of coverage with a material underwriting restriction or an offer of coverage at a rate equal to or greater than the Pool plan rate.
A Pool plan may be submitted separately with a $50 fee)🞏 HOME & LANDSCAPE (including a tree clearing plan)🞏 HOME, LANDSCAPE (including a tree clearing plan) & POOL FEE SCHEDULES:(Make check payable to: Genecov West Mud Creek, LLC.
As of May 2011, the Board will pay up to a monthly single subscriber premium for the Michigan Education Health Insurance Pool plan for members hired on May 1, 2011 or after.
A Pool plan may be submitted separately with a $50 fee)🞏 HOME & LANDSCAPE PLANS🞏 HOME, LANDSCAPE & POOL PLANS FEE SCHEDULES:(Make check payable to: Genecov West Mud Creek, LLC.
Cotton Growers CoTurning to cotton and the Cotton I back and sell it to the one offering Association, Mr. Mann expressed fear j the most money.mthat acreage would be increased this ! "Truly, the Re-Purchase Pool plan year and urged every farmer who ^guarantees farmers who use it thewants a profit from his cotton to plant only the best seed possible, inhigh dollar for their cotton crop ” Mr. Mann declared.
Payments made by the employer to satisfy contribution requirements that are identified by the pension plan terms as plan member contribution requirements are classified as plan member contributions.The District’s contributions to Miscellaneous Risk Pool plan for the year ended June 30, 2022, was$150,868.
Pool plan optimization is often counterintuitive, as its purpose is not to “flag” or discipline userswho go over their allotted usagelimits.
Benefits for eligible employees hired before June 4, 2011 will be administered as part of the 2% at 55 Risk Pool plan, while benefits for eligible employees hired after June 4, 2011 will be administered as part of the 2% at 60 Risk Pool and employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 will be administered as part of the 2% at 62 Risk Pool.