Plan 2 definition
Examples of Plan 2 in a sentence
The proposed Corrective Action Plan will set out a detailed schedule for: (1) addressing problems, taking into account identified priorities, with all corrective actions to be completed within 18 months of the date OCR approved the Corrective Action Plan; (2) setting up systems of accountability and verifying claims of accessibility by vendors or open sources; and setting up a system of testing and accountability to maintain the accessibility of all online content and functionality on an ongoing basis.
The Contributing Participants’ share of the Total Estimated Annual Cost shall equal the sum of the Plan 1 and Plan 2 Contributing Participants’ Annual Contributions (detailed in section 3.2) times the respective number of Plan 1 and Plan 2 Contributing Participants.
Civil Engineering Develop Schedule and Quality Control Plan 2 Preliminary Plans Cover Sheet 1 Project Layout Plan 1 2 Construction Safety and Phasing 2 4 Coordination and Meetings with Owner 2 Submit FAA Form 7460 1 Front End Specifications 2 Technical Specifications 2 QC Review and Revisions 1 2 Prepare and Conduct Preliminary Plans Review Meeting 4 2.