Port Terminal Rules definition
Examples of Port Terminal Rules in a sentence
The parties may enter into Demurrage and Dispatch arrangements by mutual agreement at the time CBH is notified of the Vessel Nomination in accordance with the Port Terminal Rules, subject to the Customer complying with the Port Terminal Rules.
The Customer acknowledges that whilst CBH will only disclose Port Grain Holdings, such disclosure to the public in accordance with this clause 18 may enable third parties to identify the quantities of grain stored by a Customer at a Port using this information in conjunction with other publicly available information including the shipping stem published in accordance with the Port Terminal Rules and the WEMA.
Information provided by a Customer under these Port Terminal Rules must be accurate and complete in all material regards.
The parties may enter into Demurrage and Despatch arrangements by mutual agreement, which agreement shall be subject to the Customer complying with the Port Terminal Rules.
The use of zeolite+for onsite NH4 -N removal must therefore be considered to be in the experimental stage at thepresent time.
The Customer acknowledges that whilst CBH will only disclose total Port Grain Holdings, disclosure to the public in accordance with this clause 30 may enable third parties to identify the quantities of Grain stored by a Customer at a Port using this information in conjunction with other publicly available information (including the shipping stem published in accordance with the Port Terminal Rules and Code).
Dispute Resolution Disputes Save for any dispute arising under: the Auction Rules which shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Auction Rules; or the Port Terminal Rules which shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Port Terminal Rules, all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this clause 19.
Vessel Nomination Form On receipt of a Vessel Nomination, CBH will determine its ability to meet the request and advise the Customer in accordance with the Port Terminal Rules if CBH has: accepted the Vessel Nomination; or rejected the Vessel Nomination.
For the avoidance of doubt, after following the Standard Amendment Process the Port Operator may, after taking into account responses received from interested parties, withdraw, amend or confirm the proposed variation to the Port Terminal Rules specified in the Exceptional Circumstances Variation Notice.
In these Port Terminal Rules unless the context otherwise requires: Access Agreement means an agreement between a Customer and the Port Operator under which the Port Operator supplies Port Terminal Services to the Customer.