Practicum definition

Practicum means a course-related, planned and supervised clinical experience which includes clinical objectives and assignment to practice in a laboratory setting or with patients/clients/families for attainment of the objectives.
Practicum means classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction in a driver education course under the direction of an instructor employed, enlisted, or appointed by a college or university or by a person approved by the secretary of state and a cooperating instructor, providing practical application of theory and experience for a student in an approved driver education instructor preparation program. As used in this subdivision, "cooperating instructor" means a driver education instructor approved by the secretary of state to participate in a practicum course to mentor an uncertified driver education instructor in the practicum.
Practicum means a course of study designed especially for the preparation of nurses that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory.

Examples of Practicum in a sentence

  • Course may be a Clinical, Externship, Internship, Practicum, or other cooperative experience.

  • In your original Learning Agreement assignment, you were asked to review and discuss safety protocols with your Practicum Instructor.

  • TECHNICAL CORE Courses required for the diploma are designated with * Required Courses: * EDU 119 Intro to Early Child Education 4 SHC * EDU 131 Child, Family, & Community 3 SHC* EDU 146 Child Guidance 3 SHC * EDU 151 Creative Activities 3 SHC * EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition 3 SHC * EDU 221 Children with Exceptional 3 SHC EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos 3 SHC EDU 280 Language & Literacy Experiences 3 SHC EDU 284 Early Child Capstone Practicum 4 SHC *Child Development.

  • If not applicable, please write “N/A.”   This prompt was included on the December evaluation: “Please spend some time getting specific about your goals for your work moving forward—both as a student and as a Practicum Instructor/student dyad.

  • Please consider supervision with both your Practicum Instructor (MSW or BSW) and your On-Site Supervisor, if applicable.

More Definitions of Practicum

Practicum means the pre-internship clinical experience that is part of a graduate educational program.
Practicum means supervised experience in a school, clinic or other setting which provides practical application of the- ory and experience for the student in an approved program.
Practicum means a supervised and mandatory (required for graduation) portion of an educational program emphasizing the practical application of previously learned theory, methods, skills, professionalism, orientation and ethics in a specialized area of study which does not exceed more than 20 percent of the total program. Students must be supervised and evaluated by the employer while doing productive work (not merely observing) where no remuneration is received.
Practicum means a field-based experience in educator preparation that provides the prospective educator the opportunity to apply knowledge in the context of a school or other educational setting. Practicum is a requirement to add an additional category of teaching certification beyond a first area of teaching certification.
Practicum means a period of structured observation and practice of the skills being learned, supervised by an indi- vidual trained in that area. The commonly used termsstudent teaching,” “internship,” “residency,” or “obser- vation course” are included in this definition.
Practicum means a supervised learning opportunity at the Organization to enable the student to develop knowledge, competencies, judgment, attitudes and practical experience related to applied psychology.
Practicum means a minimum of sixty (60) hours of supervised field experience, that need not be consecutive.