Examples of Promising practice in a sentence
An evidence informed program cannot be based on the evaluation of a program in only one setting, even if it has been done for many years in a community and everyone likes it.• Promising practice is a program or service that has a clearly articulated theory of change (logic model) with specified implementation and operational processes (activities) and program outcomes.
An evidence informed program cannot be based on the evaluation of a program in only one setting, even if it has been done for many years in a community and everyone likes it. Promising practice is a program or service that has a clearly articulated theory of change (logic model) with specified implementation and operational processes (activities) and program outcomes.
Promising practice in chronic disease prevention: a public health framework for action.
Promising practice: facilitating access to the labour market for professions in short supply (Vienna)The city of Vienna, Austria, sought people from Ukraine who are trained in teaching, psychology, sociology or healthcare.
Promising practice strategies for family foster care and current policy challenges.