Preferred Alternative definition
Examples of Preferred Alternative in a sentence
Preferred Alternative Environmental Narrative: Click or tap here to enter text.
Ultimately, all transit projects that were submitted for consideration have been included in the Preferred Alternative.
Public comments on the FEIS did not result in changes to the proposed action nor selection of the Preferred Alternative.
In terms of potential short-term social effects to fishing communities, Alternative 1 (No Action) would have the highest negative social effects, followed by Alternative 2, and Preferred Alternative 3.
Potential impacts on 13 resource issues from the Preferred Alternative were analyzed by Reclamation in the FEIS.
In terms of potential short-term negative economic effects to the recreational sector, Alternative 1 (No Action) would have the highest potential negative economic effects, followed by Alternative 2, and Preferred Alternative 3.
If after concurrence, the lead agency determines that changes to the Purpose and Need, Alternatives, or the Preferred Alternative are necessary, then the lead agency and cooperating agencies with authorization decision responsibilities will review such changes to determine if concurrence should be revisited.
The economic effects of changes in the sector allocations on a pound basis under this alternative are addressed in Preferred Alternative 2 of Action 1.
Connection to SCWW Company Brine Line Alternative: Since this alternative is very similar to the Preferred Alternative, the impacts would be the same.
The Federal Preferred Alternative adopts Option 2 for the C157 relocation out of the Hauser Wilderness.