Examples of Preventable death in a sentence
Preventable death rates fell where communities expanded population health activities through multisector networks.
How the person died: Death circumstancesv Proximity of deathv Expectedness of deathv Traumatic deathv Multiple lossesv Preventable death v Ambiguous death v Stigmatized death Mediator 4.
Preventable death and disability are common due to poor population-level spatial access to or- ganized burn care, including no organized system of ground or aeromedical transport.
Priority 2 Safe care by improving safety and reducing harm This priority is focused on delivering safe care and removing avoidable harm and Preventable death.
Preventable death rates fell where communities expanded popu- lation health activities through multisector networks.
Effect(s): Preventable death, serious injury, serious abuse of children, damage to staff morale and reputation of Lambeth, Ofsted and DfE scrutiny.Lambeth is on an improvement notice and if it fails to improve there is a danger that services could be taken from Lambeth's control• Continue to embed Children at the Heart of Practice framework.• LSCB ensures welfare of children is adequately secured by a multi-agency partnership.
Ultimately these barriers to care can have an impact on: Overall physical, social, and mental health status; Prevention of disease and disability Detection and treatment of health conditions Quality of life Preventable death; and Life expectancy.
Access to healthcare is important for: • Overall physical, social, and mental health status • Disease prevention • Detection, diagnosis, and treatment of illness • Quality of life • Preventable death • Life expectancy Even when an adequate supply of healthcare services exists in the community, there are other factors to consider in terms of healthcare access.