Principal Equipment definition
Examples of Principal Equipment in a sentence
General adjustments General adjustments (“GEN”) are the most common type of adjustment and will be utilized to adjust USSGL balances or move balances between accounting dimensions (e.g. function code).
Principal Equipment: The Seller’s Plant includes the following principal equipment: Type of EquipmentDescriptionKey Technical ParametersTurbine Generator Transformer Transmission Line [Insert other, as applicable.] 3.
To Seller's knowledge, all of the Assigned Software will, at closing, be included in the Principal Equipment transferred to the Buyer or otherwise in the possession of the Transferred Employees.
Buyer shall be given full access to the relevant records and working papers used by Seller to prepare the Cut-Off Balance Sheet and Seller and Buyer shall jointly conduct a physical inventory of the Principal Equipment and the Purchased Inventory prior to and in connection with the preparation of the Cut-Off Balance Sheet.
As shown on Attachment XI, Principal Equipment Component warranties that extend beyond the Work Warranty Period shall be provided directly by the Principal Equipment Component manufacturers.