Examples of Prior Period Adjustment in a sentence
In addition a third Balance Sheet is required where the Prior Period Adjustment is material.
Budgetary Prior Period Adjustment In prior years certain funds that are legally budgeted in separate special revenue funds were considered part of the general fund on a budgetary basis.
There have been no changes to accounting policy or material errors requiring restatement by Prior Period Adjustment.
With regard to each Series, if a Prior Period Adjustment (or portion thereof) can be specifically identified as attributable to a Member or a former Member of such Series, then the Sponsor shall use reasonable efforts to allocate such Prior Period Adjustment to, and collect such Prior Period Adjustment from, such Member (by Redemption of Units or otherwise) or former Member.
Statement of Significant Accounting Policies (cont’d)(l) Prior Period Adjustment (cont’d)Impact on the Statement of Financial Position (increase/(decrease)) as at 1 July 2020: 1 July 20201 July 20201 July 2020 Impact on the Statement of Financial Position (increase/(decrease)) as at 30 June 2021: 30 June 2021 Impact on the Statement of Cash Flows (increase/(decrease)) for the year ended 30 June 2021 is as follows: 1.
The new service names were: • Economic Growth and Housing – previously Inward Investment and Employment• Education Excellence – previously Schools and Families• Highways and Public Protection – previously Locality Services – Commissioned• Locality Services – previously Locality Services - Provision The amounts are considered material enough to warrant a Prior Period Adjustment to ensure comparability between the two years.
However, the Council has decided to treat the correction of the error as a Prior Period Adjustment rather than an adjustment in 2011/2012.
For such purposes, a given Prior Period Adjustment shall include all items relating to the same or related causes occurring at or about the same time, as the Sponsor may determine.
Prior Period Adjustment: This line should be used only when opening net asset balances in the university’s audited financial statements have been adjusted in the current reporting period.
M-RETS will post the Prior Period Adjustment to the Generation Log associated with the Generating Unit.