Examples of Priority score in a sentence
Since their future value is unavailable, theseindicators all have a Future Priority score of 1 or 2 for Collect Data.
The facility Acute Non-Cancer Priority score is 0.0046, which is defined as “Low Priority” and the associated health risk is considered acceptable.
The Overall Job Priority score is determined by selecting the highest Body Region Score for the job which in this case is the leg/foot region.
The Priority score also helps to manage people’s expectations of the Empty Homes Strategy.Individual property records are held on the FLARE property database in Regulatory Services, in hard copy files and the shared S‐drive.
Then, by combining risk and uncertainty ratings according to Table 5-4, the current ratings are converted to a Current Priority score and future ratings are converted to a Future Priority score.Table 5-4 – Priority for Reducing Uncertainty – Step 1 Current and Future Priority Scores Next, the future and current priority scores obtained above are combined, using the matrix in Table 5-5, to arrive at an Overall Priority score that is used to rank monitoring priorities for reducing uncertainty.
Quantify Impact Title The Priority score is calculated as the average of the Probability and Impact scores (i.e., Priority = [Likelihood + Impact] / 2) shown in Table 3.Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis is the activity of numerically analyzing the effect of identified risks on overall project objectives.
GB-JER decides the order of candidate pairs in Q according to scores generated by the priority score function below.∈ ∈Definition 8 (Priority score function).
It should be noted that the Project Priority score only aims to provide a guide to the merit of any project to aid in prioritisation, and needs to be considered alongside other factors, such as the availability of funding, willing landowners and partner organisations.
An Overall Job Priority score of five or greater establishes a task/job as an ergonomic problem area.
The facility Chronic Non-Cancer Priority score is 0.0001, which is defined as “Low Priority” and the associated health risk is considered acceptable.