Examples of Priority habitat in a sentence
WD4 Priority Habitat Inventory: - Wood pasture and parkland BAP- Priority habitat Parcel to be mapped as priority habitat When you have checked this, contact us to arrange approval to use the management option(s).
The extent of Priority habitat remains at 21% of the total area of Hampshire and the New Forest National Park area.
Priority habitat and species records for the middle Crab Creek enhancement area.
The presence of Priority habitat types such as this must be given particular weight in planning decisions.4.4 The presence of Open Mosaic Habitat on this site is further supported by the results of bird and invertebrate surveys.
Priority habitat – Open Mosaic Habitat on Previously Developed Land - Chapter 11: Biodiversity [AS-008] (pages 11-117 to 11-118) of the Environmental Statement identifies the loss of 0.59 hectares of scrub within the CHP Connector Corridor during construction (0.43ha permanent).