Priority area definition

Priority area means the portions of the qualified incentive area
Priority area means the portions of the qualified incentive area that are not located within a distressed municipality and which:
Priority area means an area declared as such in terms of section 18;

Examples of Priority area in a sentence

  • Other factors considered in the project selection process are the availability of funds, restricted use of National Priority area funds, and the need to develop a comprehensive and balanced traffic safety program.

  • The project application funds an activity from a MaineDOT Priority area.

  • Fundraising through CPF has produced mixed results due to the fact that the document is generic; and the DRM cycle is divided between Priority area 1 and Priority area 3.

  • Priority area B offers a possible pedestrian link between Wandella Road and Gosby Avenue.

  • Priority Announcement funding will be given to the next highest ranked project in the Priority area which is below the general pool funding cut off.

More Definitions of Priority area

Priority area means an area with a high density of unserved locations, analyzed on a county basis, that makes a substantial contribution to meeting the state’s broadband deployment objectives, as identified by CD Staff. A grant applicant may add or subtract to priority areas, which will be verified by the CD Staff. The priority areas will be coordinated with the Commission’s obligation to assist in preparing definitive plans for deploying necessary infrastructure in each county, including coordination across contiguous counties.
Priority area means an area of investment determined to be of national priority pursuant to section 4;
Priority area means "hot spot" as defined in” 2(11).
Priority area means areas as defined in the Water Supply permit for New York City Watershed Land Acquisition Program issued by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (DEC Permit #0-999-00051/00001)
Priority area means an area recognized by the Commission in Resolution T- 17443, Appendix 4Broadband Infrastructure Priority Areas”.
Priority area means “hot spot”, see definition for “hot spot”.
Priority area means an area where land use or activities have the potential to generate highly contaminated runoff, with concentrations of pollutants in excess of those typically found in stormwater.