Examples of Private Insurer in a sentence
For those Eligible Patients whose prescriptions are reimbursable by a Private Insurer, Walgreens is responsible to process and bill such Private Insurer at the existing Contracted Rates.
Covered Entity may also provide each Eligible Patient whose prescriptions are not reimbursable by a Private Insurer with a voucher or similar document that sets forth the amount that Walgreens shall collect from the Eligible Patient at the time of dispensing.
Eligible Patients may receive 340B Pharmacy Services from any Pharmacy Location as requested by the Eligible Patient, subject to Private Insurer benefit and coverage information and Walgreens’ customary business practice.
Covered Entity will notify Walgreens at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to any changes to the amount that Walgreens shall collect at the time of dispensing from each Eligible Patient whose prescription is not reimbursable by a Private Insurer.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless otherwise provided for elsewhere in this Agreement or required by federal and state laws and regulations, Walgreens Records shall not include Walgreens’ usual and customary pricing data, any other financial and administrative records not related to Walgreens responsibilities under this Agreement, or any proprietary or confidential information related to Private Insurers or the Contracted Rate, including but not limited to the identity of a Private Insurer by claim.
Beneficiary coinsurances and deductibles, as well as payments from secondary insurers are not included in the total payment amounts listed.Table III-1: Private Insurer Payments to Cardiologists Per Million Member Months Service 2003 2006Annual % ChangeE&M0-17$198,057Non-E&M0-17The trends listed in Table III-1 suggest that Non-E&M services have been growing at a faster rate than E&M services for all age groups.
Value-Based Physician Payment in Oncology: Public and Private Insurer Initiatives.
Thur Sept 25 Private Insurer Efforts to Manage the Chronically-Ill[Chad Peel, MBA - - V.P. for International Business Development, Optum Health - United Healthcare] Weaver, “Managed Care Enters the Exam Room as Insurers Buy Doctor Groups,” Washington Post (July 1, 2011).
Agent may also disclose Citizens Policy Data to a Florida Authorized Private Insurer, for the sole purpose of allowing such insurer to consider writing the risks identified in the Citizens Policy Data.
Total Project Costs: $180,000,000 Proposed Insurance: Up to $180,000,000 in limited expropriation and inconvertibility coverage (transfer only): Nonpayment of an arbitral award (“AAD”), and denial of justice (“DOJ”) - $180,000,000; tenor – up to 22 years Inconvertibility - $180,000,000; tenor – up to 22 years Private Insurer Participation: Private market political risk insurance is not available for this project on terms sufficient for the project’s viability.