Private work definition

Private work means any erection, construction,
Private work means a work of improvement other than a public
Private work means any erection, construction, alteration, or repair of a building, structure, or other work.

Examples of Private work in a sentence

  • Private work bid under this agreement which extends beyond May 31, 2024 shall be guaranteed the protection of the appropriate wage and fringe benefit rates in effect under this agreement for twenty-four (24) months from the award of the bid, except that the contractor will pay all health and welfare increases up to fifty cents ($0.50).

  • Private work also includes any work undertaken which is incidental to the fee paying and private practice work but may not necessarily attract a fee for the specific task carried out.

  • However, unless instructed not to answer, the witness is still required to answer the question.Common objections that may arise during the deposition include: • Form of question• Asked and answered• Document speaks for itself• Argumentative• Vague or ambiguous• Mischaracterizing testimony• Compound or complex• Privileged• Private work product/prepared in anticipation of litigation; and• Attorney-client privilege.

  • Private work that requires a medical license to practice from the GMC should also be disclosed and recorded on the job plan.

  • Private work needs to be disclosed in advance in the register of interest.

More Definitions of Private work

Private work is carried out for or on behalf of any Employer Employee. Any person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol is tested and if proved positive, is refused entry to the security area. Only authorized persons are permitted to enter Red Zone areas.
Private work means a work of improvement that is not a public work.
Private work means an electronic work which—
Private work means any work which is specifically undertaken by a staff member in a private capacity in terms of a personal contract or agreement with a third party.
Private work means work performed by an employee when he/she, apart from his/her official duties at the Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM), works for payment outside of his/her normal working hours.
Private work means any erection, construction, alteration, or repair of a building, structure, or other work that is funded or financed wholly without public funds.
Private work means any provision of professional services by a staff member or members to an external party where all contractual, financial and insurance arrangements are managed apart from SEGi University.