Processor Agreement definition
Examples of Processor Agreement in a sentence
Such an agreement shall at minimum provide the same data protection obligations as the ones applicable to the Data Processor, including the obligations under this Data Processor Agreement.
Any breach of the Data Processor Agreement and applicable laws on data protection by the Supplier shall always be regarded as gross negligence.
If Dealer wishes to have a third party that is not an OCPE Program National Business Partner access the Recall Customer Data, Dealer may (A) only provide Recall Customer Data only of Dealer’s Customers to such third party for the purpose of conducting Customer notifications on Dealer’s behalf for the Permitted Purpose, and (B) only permit access if such third- party has signed a Third Party Processor Agreement with R.
If the Data Processor Agreement has not been in force for 12 months before the occurrence of the circumstances leading to a breach of contract, the limited liability amount shall be calculated proportionately based on the actual performed payments.
The Data Processor’s processing of the Data Controller’s Personal Data in the three months after the termination of this Data Processor Agreement shall be considered as being in accordance with the Instruction.