Examples of Procurement Principles in a sentence
All University of Rochester Principal Investigators on the project and each person that will initiate purchases must provide documentation that they have completed the 2 CFR 200 Procurement Principles training available in MyPath.
Further application of sustainable procurement is not mandatory for Borrowers; Borrowers can determine the extent to which they implement additional sustainable procurement requirements, as long as these requirements are applied in ways that are consistent with the Bank’s Core Procurement Principles.
The Centre’s Procurement Principles and Procurement Code of Conduct can be found in the Centre’s Procurement Handbook (refer: https://www.caribbeanclimate.bz/).
Declaration of Eligibility (APPLICABLE) In accordance with the requirements of the Procurement Regulations issued in accordance with the terms of Section 26 of the Finance and Audit Act No. 18 of 1967 AND Part 5, Procurement Principles, Methods and Rules of the Procurement Act, 2011 all Tenderers must meet the following criteria, to be eligible to participate in public procurement.[All Tenderers must meet the following criteria, to be eligible to participate in public procurement.
The following Housing Authority policies apply to this Request: 1.1 HOUSING AUTHORITY PROCUREMENT PRINCIPLES (HPP) HPP1 ‐ Value for Money;HPP2 – Open and Effective Competition; HPP3 ‐ Probity and Accountability;HPP4 – Procurement Planning & Contract Management; HPP5 ‐ Sustainable Procurement; andHPP6 – Disposal of Goods.These Procurement Principles can be viewed and downloaded at www.housing.wa.gov.au.
Fundamental to this strategy are Procurement Principles that will guide how the Council conducts and develops its procurement activities.
These include but are not limited to:* Standards for Financial Management (OMB Circular A-110)* Cost Principles and Allowable Costs (OMB Circular A-122)* Federal Audit Standards (OMB Circular A-133)* Conflict of Interest (OMB Circular A-110 and 24 CFR 576.79)* Procurement Principles (OMB Circular A-110)Additionally, agencies awarded ESG funds will be required to open their books to a representative of the Internal Audit Department of the City to evaluate their financial management systems.
In such cases, if the eventual contracts are to be eligible for World Bank financing, the procurement procedures, including advertising, shall be consistent with Sections I, II, and III of the Procurement Regulations which cover the World Bank’s Core Procurement Principles of economy, efficiency, transparency, fairness, fit-for purpose, value for money, and integrity.
If agreed with the Bank, Borrowers may include additional sustainability requirements in the Procurement Process, including their own sustainable procurement policy requirements, if they are applied in ways that are consistent with the Bank’s Core Procurement Principles.
The QLDC Procurement Principles are still to be considered where relevant when using the procurement plan approach.