Professional growth plan means the component of a professional development plan that is designed to meet the specific growth needs of a teacher identified under the Teacher Excellence and Support System, § 6-17-2801 et seq.
Professional growth plan means an individual educator’s plan that is designed to meet the specific growth needs of the educator as identified under these rules.
Professional growth plan means the document which identifies the specific competencies, knowledge, skills and experiences needed to meet the standards set forth in WAC 181-79A-207 and 181-78A-540.
Examples of Professional growth plan in a sentence
The teacher will have a meeting with his/her administrator as early as the spring of the prior year and no later than the end of the ninth week of instruction to finalize the Professional Growth Plan.
Tier II: Self-Directed Professional Growth Plan Components The teacher will have a meeting with his/her administrator, only if mutually agreed upon, 30 days prior to the last day of school of each year and discuss the Annual Appraisal of Progress, otherwise 30 days prior to the last day of school during the final evaluation appraisal year.
All educators beyond their first three (3) full terms of employment within the district are under continuing contract and shall be evaluated with a Professional Growth Plan or formal evaluation.
More Definitions of Professional growth plan
Professional growth plan means a plan that serves to document annual Formative Evaluation measures through goal setting and reflection. The Professional Growth Plan documents the educator’s goals and growth related to student learning and professional skills.
Professional growth plan means the component of a
Professional growth plan means the document which identi- fies the formalized learning opportunities and professional develop- ment activities that relate to the specific competencies, knowledge, skills and experiences needed to meet the standards set forth in WAC 181-79A-207.
Professional growth plan means a plan created and reviewed annually by an active educator and the educator's direct supervisor that details the professional goals of the educator based on the Utah Effective Teaching and Educational Leadership Standards consistent with R277-520 and related to the educator's self-assessment and formal evaluation required under Section 53G-11-504.
Professional growth plan means an individual teacher's plan designed to meet the specific growth needs of the teacher identified under the Teacher Excellence and Support System;
Professional growth plan means an employee designed plan used to improve that employee's professional performance pursuant to WAC 392-192.