Examples of Project Customers in a sentence
In the case of energy efficiency projects, Seller shall allow Buyer to contact Project Customers and survey them about their participation in the Project.
Seller will specify how Project Customers will be screened for participation.
Seller shall comply, and shall cause [the Project Company and] the Project’s SC (and if Behind the Meter Project, Customers, and each Unit owner and operator) to comply, with all applicable CAISO Tariff provisions, CPUC Decisions and all other applicable rules, requirements or Laws, including any Bidding of the Project to meet any Must Offer Obligations, in order to deliver the Product to Buyer and allow Buyer to use the Product, including use of the Product to satisfy Buyer’s Compliance Obligations.
Buyer shall have no liability for the failure of Seller[, the Project Company] or the Project’s SC (and if Behind the Meter Project, Customers, and each Unit owner and operator) to comply with CAISO Tariff provisions, including any penalties, charges or fines imposed on Seller or SC (and if Behind the Meter Project, any Customer, Unit owner or operator) for such noncompliance.
The public benefits that the Project offers are far more substantial than any potential adverse effects.As noted herein, binding precedent agreements have been executed with the Project Customers for 100% of the capacity to be made available under the Project.
The Project Customers will use the capacity under the Project to serve the incremental growth requirements of their markets, improve service reliability and enhance operating flexibility, not to displace existing service providers.
Moreover, the Project will benefit the public by promoting competitive markets and increasing the security of natural gas supplies to varied delivery points in Georgia.The incremental quantities and intended utilization for each of the Project Customers is as follows: Intended Use of the Natural Gas for the Alabama to Georgia Connector Project Customer 21 Further, the courts have consistently upheld certificates based on precedent agreements as evidence of need for a project.
The precedent agreements require the Project Customers and Transco to execute firm transportation service agreements promptly after the date that Transco tenders the service agreements to Project Customers for execution.
With the exception of NJ-NY Project Customers, firm service from capacity on the Manhattan Extension is available only to those Customers that execute a separate service agreement with Pipeline for service on the Manhattan Extension under Rate Schedule FT- 1.
Seller shall allow Buyer to contact Project Customers and survey them about their participation in the Project.